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England court finds two 12-year-olds guilty of homicide.

A man was killed using a machete.

The crime took place in a park in Wolverhampton.
The crime took place in a park in Wolverhampton.

England court finds two 12-year-olds guilty of homicide.

Back in November 2023, two 12-year-olds in England committed a horrifying act of violence. They brutally murdered a 19-year-old man, making them the youngest convicted murderers in the country in a long time. The verdict has been reached, but their sentence is yet to be determined.

This shocking incident occurred in a court in Nottingham, where jurors confirmed the boys had fatally stabbed a man, using a machete, in a city park near Birmingham. The boys involved were quickly identified as the youngest convicted murderers in Britain since the murder of James Bulger by two 10-year-olds over three decades ago. The details of their judgment are yet to be shared.

The horrific events unfolded when the 19-year-old and his friend were attacked by the two 12-year-olds and a 12-year-old girl in the park. In the altercation that followed, the 19-year-old was stabbed with a 42.5-centimeter-long machete, which pierced his heart. The boy he was with managed to escape.

The two boys constantly argued blame with each other throughout the trial. However, after extensive considerations, both were found guilty by the jury. The jury never got to the bottom of the reason behind the crime, but the stabbing wasn't logged as a case of self-defense, as both boys had sworn to never have known the 19-year-old before the incident. One of them claimed the 19-year-old had threatened them with a demand for money. However, the prosecutor dismissed this as innocent children wouldn't be able to do such a thing.

In England and Wales, a child's criminal responsibility begins at the age of ten. Children are not treated the same way adults are when it comes to punishment, and they serve their time in specialized centers. What's more, the number of crimes that involve stabbing weapons in Britain has increased drastically in recent years. In 2023, it reached an alarming total of around 50,000 compared to the preceding year, with a 7% increase.

This recent unfortunate event will without a doubt have serious implications for the legal system in Britain. And so the country waits, anticipating the sentence for the two young and unfortunate murderers.

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Following the trial, it was revealed that the international community expressed concern over the young murderers' case in England, highlighting the unique challenges posed by trying juveniles in such serious crimes. Moreover, discussions on revising the processes for handling murder and manslaughter cases involving minors are gaining traction on the international stage.

