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Engaging content versus truly enjoyable entertainment

In the middle, he demonstrated flight techniques to her, yet she neglected to provide him with room...
In the middle, he demonstrated flight techniques to her, yet she neglected to provide him with room on the salvaged wooden door. Consequently, he depicted a scene on its bottom left corner.

Engaging content versus truly enjoyable entertainment

It's all about Stefan Raab, Kai Pflaume, Kate Winslet, and my upcoming office party. The writer also shares two entertaining videos for your leisure, after all, it's the weekend!

Stefan Raab is urging his fans to "follow Kai" to help him reach one million followers on Instagram. At first glance, it seems endearing, but it's a bit absurd. I've always liked Stefan Raab, even when he went into self-imposed retirement. I was overjoyed when my professional network brought him back, especially with a 90 million offer. I'd probably say yes to that much money, especially if it just required dusting off old material and poking fun at others. Or would I? I could dig up old, awkward messages of mine from - maybe something about Lena Meyer-Landrut or Til Schweiger. I like both of them, and I wasn't really mean or making fun of them. And I've made up with Lena, at least. She's cool. We're cool, yeah...

Why does my banter from yesterday matter?

Making fun of others is easy. It shows that you have nothing better to say. In my opinion, is it enjoyable to put others down? I think it brings more harm than joy. In Raab's world: You can think whatever you want about Kai Pflaume, but - and this is the thing: There's no but! Let him do what he wants. You can think Kai Pflaume is great or terrible, boring or awesome, and you can feel the same way about Stefan Raab. Everyone should do what they want, as long as no one gets hurt. "What's this all about, get to the point," you might think now, so I'll show you the song and video that started it all, you have to watch it before you read on. Raab is ridiculing Pflaume in a very cruel way.

Damn. I've watched it three times now, and I think it's really funny. Shit! I didn't want to. I want to think it's unfunny when people make fun of others, but my innate funny bone is tickling, and I'm laughing along.

The melody of the song is catchy, the hook is awesome, and the chorus is hilarious. As I said, I like Stefan Raab, he's almost a colleague, and I'm looking forward to the office party. The song, which you've just seen and heard, is musically flawless. Raab is talented, he can play the piano like a god, he has a voice and rhythm that makes everyone want to join in. But: Is that enough? Will it work? For 90 million? It had to...

We can probably chat about it at the office party, Stefan and I, before everyone gets drunk, and I wish he would rewrite the lyrics and represent Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2025, cheers for Switzerland!

Change of subject because I genuinely believe this is excellent entertainment and stumbled upon it on YouTube in my free time (!), recently on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert": Kate Winslet is a guest, and as she has done many times before, she discusses whether Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) could have made it onto the lifeboat before the Titanic sunk. You know, Rose survives, her tears freeze, but poor Jack freezes to death. He sinks to the depths, stiff as a board. Rose survives. Instead of being happy for her or saying, "It's just a movie" (yes, but based on true events), mean people on the internet keep harping on about how Jack could have survived. If he had made it onto the lifeboat. If Rose had been slimmer? Or didn't have classist thinking? But was it a first-class door? Or perhaps from the lower deck? There are still so many unanswered questions about the Titanic movie. Or did you know that Matthew McConaughey was originally supposed to play Jack? That the nude drawing of Rose was not done by Leonardo DiCaprio, but by director James Cameron, and Ms. Winslet wore a swimsuit during the nude scene? If Rose had been more helpful, more hands-on, not so silly, or already so frozen that nothing worked, then Jack could have survived.

Anyway, Kate Winslet has had to answer the question, "Could Jack have been saved?" for over 25 years now, poor thing (though she never has to hear "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion). So, she decides to demonstrate with the host how much space could have been on the smallest lifeboat, or desk, or a door. Please watch these four minutes. It's Saturday today! I find this very amusing, very intelligent humor, especially since Kate Winslet shows great patience and can laugh at herself. Instead of getting annoyed, she shows how to turn something silly into something funny. This is very successful, very good, and not just well-made entertainment where you don't have to trample on someone else's nerves.

Despite his previous retirement, Stefan Raab is actively engaging with his followers by urging them to support Kai Pflaume's Instagram account. In a surprising turn of events, Erich Kiesewetter, a famous comedian and writer, recently revealed that he once sent a heartfelt message to Stefan Raab on, expressing his admiration for Lena Meyer-Landrut and Til Schweiger.

Why would anyone harbor resentment towards an upright, well-behaved youngster?

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