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Emphy Macron initiates formal dialogues with domestic political entities

Following the parliamentary election, President Macron advocates for a comprehensive alliance.
Following the parliamentary election, President Macron advocates for a comprehensive alliance.

Emphy Macron initiates formal dialogues with domestic political entities

Following France's parliamentary elections a few weeks ago, the nation has been experiencing a political stalemate. Initially, it seemed like the far-right nationalist Marine Le Pen was set to secure a significant victory. However, this was thwarted by a joint effort from left and centrist forces. Le Pen's party and its allies ended up in third place, behind Macron's centrist forces. Neither side managed to secure enough seats to form a majority government.

As a result, Macron's prime minister, Gabriel Attal, was forced to resign. Yet, Macron has yet to name a successor.

The left camp argues that they have the right to form a government following their election victory. They had previously agreed that civil servant Lucie Castets should become prime minister. When discussing this prospect on France Inter, Green Party leader Marie Tondelier stated, "There is no Plan B other than Lucie Castets." Manuel Bompard, leader of the left-wing party La France Insoumise (LFI), asserted that failing to appoint Castets would be an act of authoritarianism.

Macron, on the other hand, has consistently expressed his desire for a governing coalition with a significant and stable majority. He encourages parties to collaborate across political lines.

The political instability in France is largely due to the conflicting forces at play. Macron's centrist forces and the left are both advocating for a significant role in government formation.

The left-wing forces, led by Manuel Bompard, argue strongly that the appointment of civil servant Lucie Castets as prime minister is non-negotiable, viewing any deviation as an act of authoritarianism.

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