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Emirates want to phase out coal, gas and oil

COP threatens dramatic failure

Environmental organizations reacted with disappointment - as did countries that are
Environmental organizations reacted with disappointment - as did countries that are particularly threatened by the climate

Emirates want to phase out coal, gas and oil

It has been the most contentious issue since the start of the conference: Can the international community unanimously agree on a phase-out of climate-damaging energy sources such as coal, oil and gas? Shortly before the end, the host in Dubai is now presenting a draft for the final text.

A new draft for the final text of the World Climate Conference in Dubai no longer provides for a phase-out of coal, oil and gas. The 21-page paper, which has been published, only mentions a reduction in the consumption and production of fossil fuels. In a previous version, the phase-out was still mentioned as one of several options.

Environmental organizations reacted with disappointment - as did countries that are particularly threatened by the climate crisis. The chief negotiator of the Marshall Islands, which are threatened by rising sea levels, John Silk, said that they had not come to Dubai "to sign our death warrant". They would not "go quietly into our watery graves".

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock from the Green Party said that the current proposal from the presidency of the United Arab Emirates was a disappointment. "Overall, it is not sufficient; key elements are not acceptable to us as the European Union." EU Climate Commissioner and chief negotiator Wopke Hoekstra expressed a similar view, calling the draft "clearly inadequate" and unacceptable.

Negotiations to end on Tuesday morning

The Executive Director of Greenpeace Germany, Martin Kaiser, said he was "truly stunned" that the draft serves the wishes and interests of the oil and gas industry, but not those of the people who are already suffering the most from floods and droughts. Especially when it comes to phasing out fossil fuels, which more than 100 countries have called for, the draft is very non-binding. "If it is adopted in this form, it could cause this conference to fail," warned Kaiser.

It is now up to Baerbock and her EU colleagues, together with the island states and the most vulnerable states, to ensure "that this non-binding nature is removed from the document" and that there is a binding phase-out of coal, oil and gas. The two-week negotiations are due to end on Tuesday morning, but have recently stalled. As in previous years, the conference could go into extra time.

Several countries are resisting

Conference President Sultan al-Jaber, also head of the state oil company, indicated that he still expects improvements to be made to the text. "We still have many gaps to close," he said. "We need to deliver a result that respects science and keeps the 1.5 degree target within reach." He expects the delegates to be highly ambitious on all points - "also with regard to the language on fossil fuels". Earlier in the day, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had called on the almost 200 states to come together and enshrine the phase-out of coal, oil and gas in the final text. "Now is the time for maximum ambition and maximum flexibility," he said during an appearance before the world press.

Conference President Sultan al-Jaber, who is also head of the state oil company, indicated that he still expects improvements to be made to the text. "We still have many gaps to close," he said. "We need to deliver a result that respects science and keeps the 1.5 degree target within reach." He expects the delegates to be highly ambitious on all points - "also with regard to the language on fossil fuels". Earlier in the day, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had called on the almost 200 states to come together and enshrine the phase-out of coal, oil and gas in the final text. "Now is the time for maximum ambition and maximum flexibility," he said during an appearance before the world press.

Oxfam expert Jan Kowalzig said that the draft text did not even include the other targets - tripling renewable energies and doubling energy efficiency - as goals, but only as possible measures. "COP28 must not end like this," he warned. The goal agreed in Paris in 2015 of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees would "probably be thrown out of the window" with this draft. Kowalzig also demanded that the European Union must not agree to the declaration under any circumstances and must demand considerable improvements.

The most contentious issue since the start of the conference at the beginning of the month has been whether the international community can unanimously agree to phase out the climate-damaging energy sources of coal, oil and gas. A number of countries have put up resistance, including oil-rich Saudi Arabia, but also China, Iraq and Russia. Viviane Raddatz, climate chief of WWF Germany, said that the draft text was very disappointing and raised fears that this COP could lead to a gigantic failure.

UN climate chief: "There is nowhere to hide"

Foreign Minister Baerbock had previously written on Instagram that the majority of countries wanted to phase out fossil fuels. However, some countries were worried because they lacked support for implementation. "We know that it is our responsibility as industrialized countries to enable them to phase out as well."

UN climate chief Simon Stiell also insisted on ambition in the fight against global warming. "Every step away from the highest ambitions costs countless millions of lives - not in the next political or economic cycle that future leaders will have to contend with, but right now, in every country." He continued: "The world is watching, as are the 4,000 media representatives and thousands of observers here in Dubai. There is nowhere to hide."

A network of environmental organizations awarded the negative "Fossil of the Day" prize to Israel at COP28 - with drastic formulations on the ongoing military operation in the Gaza war. "Israel's actions are aimed at eliminating the Palestinian people through the unfolding genocide and ethnic cleansing," declared the Climate Action Network (CAN). According to its own information, it includes more than 1900 civil society organizations in more than 130 countries and at international level - including Greenpeace, Oxfam, WWF and Germanwatch. The German organizations distanced themselves.

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