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Emergency situation in Unterallgäu: Residents in need are urged to display white cloth.

Flooding Updates in Real Time

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.
Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

Emergency situation in Unterallgäu: Residents in need are urged to display white cloth.

The current disaster situation has spread to the Bavarian district of Unterallgaeu, particularly affecting Babenhausen. A section of the mobile phone network has malfunctioned, preventing residents from making emergency calls. The district administration suggests hanging a white sheet or cloth out of windows for help or being visible at the windows to attract attention. Residents in Babenhausen have already been removed from their dwellings using inflatable boats.

There are currently approximately 400 forces from the Technical Relief Organization (THW) actively responding to the storms in Southern Germany. The THW in Bonn notes that they are busy with pumping water, securing dams, and evacuating people. They are preparing to deploy additional THW forces, with mobile flood gauges being installed and monitored as well.

Here is a map that exhibits all the active flood warnings. This graphic is consistently updated.

According to BR, a mountain climbing group consisting of 26 people is currently stranded some distance below the Zugspitze's peak. The Zugspitze has seen about 60 centimeters of fresh snow, while it is also raining heavily in the valley. Temperatures are well below freezing, with visibility only around 100 meters. Rescue teams have been deployed to locate the hikers in the blizzard. The group is fatigued and likely not equipped appropriately for the current weather conditions. It remains unclear why the climbers attempted to ascend the Zugspitze under such extreme weather forecasts.

The district of Donau-Ries in Bavaria has declared a disaster situation. This declaration aims to coordinate all forces and prepare faster and more efficiently for the anticipated water levels. District Administrator Stefan Roessle states, "It's crucial to stay calm and avoid low-lying areas for the time being."

In Augsburg's Swabian district, a dam has burst in Diedorf, along with a dike in Anhausen. Residents in specified streets are being instructed to leave their homes due to the large volume of water. Evacuations are being planned in the Anhausen district of Diedorf. The district administration warns that relocating to higher floors is not sufficient at this point. A dam break also occurred in Burgwalden, and a dike at Anhauser Weiher has collapsed. All residents of the affected districts should depart immediately to the Diedorf Schmuttertalhalle within the next hour. The authorities advise staying away from railway underpasses, as parts of the floodwater may flow there, creating a threat to life.

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder and Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann are set to visit the flood-hit region in Augsburg's Swabian district on Saturday. These three individuals intend to view the flood development firsthand before deciding on further action. The originally scheduled location was evidently changed due to the evolving situation. In Diedorf, evacuations of residents are underway. The rainfall has caused the flood situation to be critical in Swabia. After Günzburg, Augsburg and Aichach-Friedberg are the latest districts to declare a disaster situation.

The waters of the Schussen in Meckenbeuren are rising rapidly in the Bodenseekreis. Late Friday afternoon, the level was 4.72 meters. There's hope that the highest point will arrive soon. During the last flood in 2021, the river peaked at 4.50 meters. The river usually carries just 45 centimeters of water. The municipality with 14,000 inhabitants advised its residents to evacuate their homes as a precaution the previous evening. Many people left for friends or relatives. Only a few individuals utilized refuges. Losses were prevented by evacuating schools, kindergartens, and halls in advance. In the municipality, bridges were also closed as a precaution.

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

Read also:

  1. Due to the ongoing disaster case in Lower Allgäu, international relief organizations have expressed their willingness to provide assistance, recognizing the urgent need for aid.
  2. Despite the unfavorable flood situation, some residents in affected areas continue to live in their homes, intensifying the need for emergency supplies and evacuation plans.
  3. As the rescue efforts in the devastated regions of Lower Allgäu progress, the district administration has appealed for residents to stay informed with regular updates from the live ticker, ensuring they are aware of any new developments or important safety instructions.
  4. In response to the flooding, multiple Lower Allgäu towns, including Babenhausen, have witnessed an increasing number of disaster relief volunteers from various organizations, working tirelessly to support the affected residents and mitigate the damage caused by the flood.

