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EM in Frankfurt was a peaceful football festival

Sold-out stadium, colorful fan marches, peaceful soccer festival: Hesse's Interior Minister and Police draw a positive balance after the European Football Championship in Frankfurt.

Over one million fans have watched games in the FanZone at the Main riverbank.
Over one million fans have watched games in the FanZone at the Main riverbank.

Balance - EM in Frankfurt was a peaceful football festival

After four weeks of full football excitement, the European Championship came to an end on Sunday in Frankfurt. Hessian Interior Minister and the police draw a positive balance for Frankfurt. "This EM was particularly a peaceful and safe football festival that brought together many people from different countries," said Interior Minister Roman Poseck (CDU). "Germany and Hessen presented themselves as good hosts."

From a police perspective, the EM in Frankfurt was a complete success. "The criminal activity was unremarkable, even lower than expected for events of this magnitude with corresponding attendance and alcohol-related and disruptive phenomena," explained Police President Stefan Müller. The authority recorded a total of less than 300 crimes and 200 regulatory offenses related to Euro 2024 throughout Hesse.

Stadium sold out five times

The Frankfurt Arena was the venue for four group matches and an eighth final - during the five matchdays, the stadium was sold out with 47,000 visitors each time. In total, around 250,000 visitors were recorded, of whom 127 crimes related to the stadium were identified by Müller, most of which were related to disturbing the peace.

The games in Frankfurt were particularly marked by enthusiastic and peacefully celebrating fans, said Müller. The colorful fan scarves through the city center were always accompanied by the Police. However, there were no major problems besides traffic disruptions and some pyrotechnic incidents.

One million fans celebrate in Fanzones

The 1.4-kilometer long Fanzone along the Main river was also well attended. However, the weather sometimes spoiled the good mood: "Due to weather conditions, the Fanzone had to be closed by the organizer - both during a game with evacuation, as well as before the start of some matches," said Police President Müller.

"Despite the weather caprices, we were able to welcome a total of 1,007,262 guests," said Thomas Feda, managing director of Tourismus+Congress GmbH Frankfurt. The busiest day was therefore June 23, 2024, with the match between Germany and Switzerland and 70,000 visitors and guests distributed over the day. On average, around 33,500 guests visited the fan mile daily on the 30 open event days. With 779 interventions, the number of emergency services provided was also within expectations.

The European Football Championship's finale took place in the city of Frankfurt on a sunny Sunday, bringing an end to four weeks of intense soccer excitement. Interior Minister Roman Poseck from the CDU praised Frankfurt's role as a peaceful and harmonious 'Soccer festival'. The police commended Stefan Müller, the Police President, for the event's unprecedented success.

Despite the large attendance, Frankfurt Arena, hosting four group matches and an eighth final, maintained security with only 127 identified crimes related to the venue, mostly disturbing the peace. The European Championship games in Frankfurt showcased passionate and peaceful fan celebrations, marches, or 'Fanmarch', with the police ensuring order and safety.

The 1.4-kilometer long Fanzone on Main river attracted over a million visitors, despite occasional weather disruptions causing temporary closures. Thomas Feda, Tourismus+Congress GmbH Frankfurt's managing director, highlighted the busiest day being June 23, 2024, with 70,000 fans for the Germany-Switzerland match.

The soccer excitement extended beyond the games, with the Hesse region reporting fewer crimes and regulatory offenses than anticipated during Euro 2024. This positive outcome reinforced Germany and Hesse's reputation as responsible and successful hosts. The 'European Championship' echoed positively in the hearts of soccer enthusiasts across Wiesbaden, Frankfurt, and the entire Hesse region.

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