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EM-Days do not cause sales push for hosts

The hosts made little additional business in the country due to the European Football Championship. However, their industry association is counting on long-term positive effects.

We gain little profit from the European Football Championship
We gain little profit from the European Football Championship

soccer - EM-Days do not cause sales push for hosts

The hospitality industry in the Southwest did not gain too much from the Football European Championship. A spokesperson for the Dehoga-Landesverband stated today in Stuttgart that the atmosphere in taverns and beer gardens, as well as at public viewing events, was generally good. "Our businesses presented themselves as good hosts with creative offerings for football fans from all over Europe." The majority of businesses reported no increase in sales. In the Southwest, there are around 27,000 hospitality businesses with approximately 300,000 employees.

The spokesperson also referred to a non-representative survey of the Federal Association, in which around 540 businesses from Baden-Württemberg participated. According to the survey, 88.1 percent of respondents reported no positive effects from the EM. Only for 8.0 percent did the sporting mega-event reportedly bring about positive impulses, as the spokesperson of the Landesverband stated. "This may also be due to the changeable weather and the elimination of the German team in the quarterfinals."

Discussion about rental fees in the fan zones

Independently of short-term economic effects, the Football-EM is seen as an important impetus for the strengthening of German tourism. "The positive images and reports around the games and their venues will, in our estimation, have a positive aftereffect."

In Stuttgart, the hosts in the fan zones complained about allegedly too high rental fees. The hosts reportedly told a report in the "Stuttgarter Nachrichten" and the "Stuttgarter Zeitung" that the promised masses had not come to the fan zones to consume. The chief of the event organization in Stuttgart, Andreas Kroll, told the papers that he could not simply dismiss the concerns of the hosts. At the same time, he emphasized the entrepreneurial risk. Kroll announced that he would check in talks with the hosts after the final to see if he could meet their demands.

  1. Despite the Football European Championship taking place in Baden-Württemberg's capital, Stuttgart, the hospitality industry in the Southwest did not experience significant sales growth.
  2. The spokesperson for the Dehoga-Landesverband in Stuttgart mentioned that most businesses reported no increase in sales during the European Football Championship.
  3. The majority of hospitality businesses in the Southwest, numbering around 27,000 with over 300,000 employees, did not see any positive effects from hosting the Football European Championship.
  4. Soccer fans from all over Europe visited Stuttgart during the European Football Championship, but they did not provide a considerable boost to the city's hospitality industry.
  5. Soccer fans might have been disappointed in Stuttgart's fan zones due to allegedly high rental fees, as reported in local newspapers like the "Stuttgarter Nachrichten" and "Stuttgarter Zeitung."
  6. The event organization in Stuttgart, led by chief Andreas Kroll, acknowledged the concerns of the fan zone hosts regarding rental fees and promised to discuss potential solutions after the European Football Championship.

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