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Elon Musk denies millions in donations to Donald Trump

Forty-five million dollars monthly, Elon Musk was reported to have spent on Donald Trump. However, Musk has since denied this, but only partially.

Elon Musk expressed admiration for Donald Trump in an interview
Elon Musk expressed admiration for Donald Trump in an interview

Objection to press reports - Elon Musk denies millions in donations to Donald Trump

## Elon Musk clarifies his donations to Donald Trump

It would have been a huge boost for Donald Trump's campaign fund: Elon Musk was reported by the "Wall Street Journal" last week to be donating $45 million to the Republican presidential candidate every month, according to insiders. However, in a recent interview with the controversial psychologist and influencer Jordan B. Peterson, Musk made it clear that this was not true. "That's not correct," he stated. However, this does not mean that Trump did not benefit from Musk's money.

This clarification was part of a conversation between Musk and the controversial psychologist and influencer Jordan B. Peterson. Peterson asked Musk if he was "shocked" that he was supporting Trump with millions today. Musk did not want to let that stand. "The media reports are not true," he explained. "I don't spend $45 million a month for Trump."

Musk founded a PAC to support America

However, he does not deny donating large sums or supporting Trump – only that the money goes directly to the candidate. "It simply allows us to have larger sums in the system," he explained. "And they are used on both sides, not just for Republicans or Democrats."

Musk made it clear that he has a preference and currently supports, but he does not hide it. "There is a choice between administrations – and one must decide," he explained. Both sides have flaws, he continued. "But today, the Republican Party is the one that stands for meritocracy, while the Democrats stand for quotas." In Musk's view, meritocracy, the idea that one can rise based on one's own achievements, is the most important value of American society. Quotas for women and minorities contradict this value, he argues. "That's just another form of racism and sexism," he accused them of. "I ultimately believe that a Republican administration is the better choice."

Musk supports the Republicans

Despite the fact that he is supporting a candidate often criticized as a sexist and racist, this is not a contradiction for Musk. In fact, he admires Trump. "America needs a strong leader right now," he believes. "One must simply admire that Trump stood up after being shot and called for a fight. There could have been another shooter," Musk expressed his admiration. "That's instinctive courage, not planned. That's courage from the moment." He had previously stated that he was supporting the party and not Trump personally. "I don't care about personality cults," Musk explicitly stated.

Trump boasts about Musk's millions

Trump has not yet grasped this distinction. "Elon is now supporting me with $45 million a month. Not even unique, monthly," Trump bragged at a campaign rally in Michigan on Sunday. "He didn't even tell me that the last time we saw each other. Others invite him for dinner for two dollars," Trump joked. The introduction to the anecdote must have pleased Musk. "We have to make sure our smart people do well," Trump said in reference to Musk. "And he is one of the smartest people we have."

In response to claims made in the Wall Street Journal, Elon Musk clarified during an interview with influencer Jordan B. Peterson that he was not donating $45 million to Donald Trump's campaign every month as previously reported. Despite not making the million-dollar donations directly to Trump, Musk has founded a Political Action Committee (PAC) to support America, and he expressed his preference for the Republican Party, which he believes stands for meritocracy. Despite criticisms of Trump's personality, Musk admires his instinctive courage. Contrary to Trump's claims, Musk has not publicly donated $45 million per month to his campaign, but he has been supportive of the Republican Party.

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