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During the midweek phase in October, gold hues will make their final appearance.

Amidst the midweek period, it will once more acquire a golden hue.
Amidst the midweek period, it will once more acquire a golden hue.

During the midweek phase in October, gold hues will make their final appearance.

Following the chaotic situation brought about by Mediterranean lows causing heavy rainfall and flooding in southern France and Italy, we're currently grappling with storm "Josefine" (International name: "Ashley") over Scotland. Roaring winds are anticipated across the British Isles, potentially reaching gale force in Ireland and Scotland, and battering the western coasts with hurricane-like winds of up to 120-140 km/h. Scottish highlands might even be hit with winds of 150-200 km/h.

Fortunately, the storm's core is positioned far away, leaving us with merely intense to stormy winds along the North Sea and the mountains. On the flip side, the powerful southwesterly wind will funnel warmth from the Mediterranean to Germany, granting us max temps of 20-22°C today and tomorrow.

From Monday to Tuesday, "Josefine" remnants will drift across our landscape, transforming into a cloud band, streaming rain from northwest to southeast. However, by Wednesday, high pressure will pick up strength, and we're likely to indulge in golden October weather almost everywhere within the next few days, except for certain river valleys bogged down by perpetual fog.

As the clocks switch back to winter time at the weekend, prepare for unpredictable weather and a chillier atmosphere, but an early winter isn't a concern just yet.

Monday: Varied weather conditions

The north and west will be dominated by dense clouds with intermittent drizzle. Meanwhile, other areas will commence dry but often foggy. The fog should dissipate primarily in the morning but could linger until afternoon in certain areas. Elsewhere, sunshine occasionally emerges amidst passing cloud formations, and frequent sunshine in the Alps. In the windy north, temperatures will climb between 16-18°C, while other regions see readings of 18-22°C. The peak values will be witnessed in the Rhine-Main region and in the foothills of the Alps.

Tuesday: Improved weather in the west

Clouds with occasional drizzle will shift eastward and southward throughout the day. In the west and northwest, a pleasantly mixed bag of sunshine and clouds will dominate, maintaining chilly temperatures ranging from 13-19°C.

Wednesday: High pressure takes over

In the south, skies will be cloudy early with the chance of precipitation in spots. Sunshine emerges later in the day, while northern skies marred by dense cloud cover could disrupt sunshine completely, remaining dry, nevertheless. No precipitation is predicted. Temperatures will hit 12°C in the Erzgebirge but can reach 18°C alongside the Rhine.

Thursday: Golden October weather for many

Post-morning fog dissipation, expect sunny weather, though some regions (Bavaria, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Hesse) may witness sunbreaks only in the afternoon due to fog's lingering presence. Depending on fog's duration, temperatures will oscillate between 10-18°C.

Friday: Sunny to start, then cloudy and wet in the west

From the Baltic Coast to the Alps, Friday will shine mostly sunny and dry. However, clouds will thicken in the west, culminating in afternoon showers. The mercury will rise again, with temperatures hovering between 14-19°C.

Weekend: Cooler and unpredictable

The weekend will noticeably shed warmth and welcome unpredictable weather, with wet showers expected. Temperatures will fail to surpass 8 to 14 degrees Celsius. On Saturday night, you'll enjoy an additional hour of sleep courtesy of the time shift, but the weather during that period will not grieve its absence.

The European Union might issue weather advisories for its southern member states as storm "Josefine" brings heavy winds to the British Isles. Despite the turbulent conditions in the north, the Mediterranean Sea will continue to provide warmth to certain parts of Europe.

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