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During the Fox News conversation with Harris, the discussion remains direct.

Harris remains committed to sustaining the existing governmental strategy.
Harris remains committed to sustaining the existing governmental strategy.

During the Fox News conversation with Harris, the discussion remains direct.

In the battle against Trump for the presidency, Kamala Harris understands the necessity of courting votes from the right-wing. She takes part in a highly anticipated interview on Fox News, the renowned conservative network's primary broadcast station. The atmosphere is tense from the get-go.

The interview on Fox News started with a spirited dispute on immigration. Harris was frequently interrupted by host Bret Baier. "Could I please complete my response?", she requested repeatedly as Baier interjected. It is essential, in the perspective of the American people, to discuss immigration prior to the election, stated the 59-year-old. However, they don't desire "political maneuvering," Harris asserted, targeting her Republican adversary, Donald Trump.

Baier inquired if Harris needed to offer an apology to the families of women murdered by immigrants. "Initially, I'd like to express that these are tragic incidents. There's no question about that," Harris replied. "I can't fathom the pain that the families of these victims have endured from a loss that should never have occurred." The United States immigration system has been in disarray for a considerable period, Harris pointed out. It's the Congress's duty to rectify it.

This was Harris's first significant television appearance on a conservative broadcast outlet since her official backing as the Democratic nominee in August. On Fox, she attempted to distinguish herself from the current Biden administration: "My presidency will not mirror the presidency of Joe Biden," said the vice president. "I symbolize a fresh wave of leadership."

Just like any new political figure, she would offer "her experience, her professional background, and innovative thoughts," she explained when asked why she had scarcely talked about her plans to diverge from Biden's strategies in previous statements.

During the heated discussion on immigration, Harris insisted, "I'm not going to engage in political maneuvering like Trump does." Later in the interview, when asked to address a sensitive topic, Harris stated, "I'm not going to apologize for things that aren't my responsibility."

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