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Duo extracts 100,000 dollars from fish pond.

While angling for metal, fishermen encounter a secure container.

"It was unreal," says Agostini about the find.
"It was unreal," says Agostini about the find.

Duo extracts 100,000 dollars from fish pond.

Barbara Agostini and James Kane are regular fishing-cum-metal detecting companions in New York's waters. While on one of their expeditions, the duo stumbled upon a safe containing deeply worn-out dollar bills in a pond. They have their eyes set on turning their significant find over to the Finance Ministry, hoping to turn it into cash.

$100,000 in Bills: The remarkable discovery was made by a New York couple from a pond in this multi-billion-dollar city. Barbara Agostini and James Kane came across the diminished bills in a tacky and murky safe, as per their disclosure. "It was unbelievable," Agostini expressed. "I initially thought it was a gag."

The two metal detectors have stumbled upon safes in ponds, lakes, and other aquatic expanses across New York before, but none with a payoff as attractive as this. Kane couldn't believe his senses when he came across a knotted bundle of dollar bills. The initial photographs and videos of the treasure trove were showcased online and in local media outlets.

The pair delivered their find to the New York Police Department (NYPD) to steer clear of any potential hurdles. A police representative confirmed that every money discovery "over $10 needs to be reported to the police." Owing to the advanced degradation of the currency, the legitimacy and worth of the bills couldn't be decisively confirmed.

The duo is now set on presenting their discovery to the Finance Ministry in Washington to convert it into hard cash. American laws permit the replacement of significantly deteriorated paper currency on the condition that it isn't linked to a criminal activity.

James Kane with the safe.

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