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Duo accused of taking lives of Ukrainian females

A law enforcement diver is conducting a search in Bad Schoenborn's waterbody for the deceased...
A law enforcement diver is conducting a search in Bad Schoenborn's waterbody for the deceased individual, who is 51 years old.

Duo accused of taking lives of Ukrainian females

In the region of Baden-Württemberg, a deadly incident involving two Ukrainian females and their mother has seen charges being leveled by the Mannheim Public Prosecutor's Office. The accused are a 44-year-old man and his 43-year-old spouse, who are believed to have brutally murdered the 27-year-old and her 51-year-old mother back in March. Their horrendous plan was to raise the five-week-old baby of the younger woman as their own, deceiving the authorities and the public. The couple is additionally faced with charges of child kidnapping.

The primary reason behind this heinous act, according to the Mannheim Public Prosecutor's Office, was the desperate desire of the couple from Sandhausen in Heidelberg to raise a daughter of their own. The wife had reached out to Ukrainian refugees specifically for this purpose.

Tragically, the mother, granddaughter, and infant had been residing in a refugee house in the Rhein-Neckar district. A passerby stumbled upon the dead body of the 27-year-old close to the Rhine in Hockenheim on March 7. Some days later, on March 13, the couple was apprehended, and the safe baby was discovered with them. On March 19, police divers located the body of the 51-year-old grandmother in a nearby fishing lake in Bad Schönborn, Karlsruhe, with autopsy results confirming death as a result of external violence.

The Mannheim Public Prosecutor's Office strongly asserts that justice must be served for the innocent lives lost, emphasizing the gravity of the charges against the accused. The desire for a daughter led the couple to seek out Ukrainian refugees, unfortunately resulting in a tragic chain of events.

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