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Due to murder plans against a company CEO: FDP will hold a special session

Armin Papperger is CEO of the largest German weapons manufacturer, whose military equipment is crucial for Ukraine. This may have put him in Moscow's sights.

Rheinmetall-CEO Armin Papperger was reportedly the target of an assassination plot (archive image)
Rheinmetall-CEO Armin Papperger was reportedly the target of an assassination plot (archive image)

attack plans - Due to murder plans against a company CEO: FDP will hold a special session

Due to alleged murder plans against Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger, an FDP federal politician has called for a special session of the Bundessicherheitsrat. If the CNN report is true, the German government must draw clear consequences, said FDP Bundestag member Reinhard Houben in Berlin. Houben is the economic policy spokesperson for the FDP Bundestag faction and has taken on the role of spokesperson for the Liberals on the Arms Control Law.

Planned attacks on German citizens in Germany would have "a new quality of escalation." "More important than procedural measures are now strategic derivatives for German security policy." In the Bundessicherheitsrat sit the Chancellor and various federal ministers to deal with strategic questions of German security policy.

According to CNN, US intelligence services discovered plans of the Russian government to assassinate Papperger at the beginning of the year. The German side was informed and the 61-year-old was subsequently given special protection. Rheinmetall commented on the report neither affirmatively nor negatively.

  1. The Federal Parliament is expected to convene for a special session due to the murder plan against Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger.
  2. The Federal Government's Attack Plan in response to this threat must be robust and effective, according to FDP Bundestag member Reinhard Houben.
  3. CNN's report about the Russian government's murder plan against Papperger has created a stir in Berlin and beyond.
  4. Armin Papperger, the CEO of Rheinmetall, has been under special protection since the German government was informed of the murder plan by Russian intelligence.
  5. If confirmed, the Russian government's actions would be a direct violation of international norms and could escalate tensions between Ukraine and Moscow.
  6. The attack on Papperger, a key figure in the German armaments industry based in North Rhine-Westphalia, could have serious consequences for Germany's defense capabilities.
  7. The Federal Security Council, which includes top German politicians and military officials, is closely monitoring the situation and discussing potential responses.
  8. Reinhard Houben, the FDP's spokesperson on economic policy and arms control, has strongly condemned the Russian government's actions and called for a firm response from the Federal Government.
  9. The German Armaments Industry, embodied by companies like Rheinmetall, plays a crucial role in Berlin's defense strategy and any attack on its leaders could have far-reaching implications.

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