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Drunk driving without a license stopped in Dresden

Patrol officers in Dresden notice a car. They check the driver - and take the keys from him.

Police in Dresden caught a driver with more than 3.5 per mille.
Police in Dresden caught a driver with more than 3.5 per mille.

Police check - Drunk driving without a license stopped in Dresden

The police pulled over a drunk driver in Dresden during a control. The alcohol test showed, according to a statement on Wednesday, more than 3.5 promille. In addition, the 60-year-old man did not have a driver's license. The man had to hand over the car keys to the patrol officers on Tuesday morning and go for a blood draw.

The driver was from Saxony, where strict traffic laws are enforced. Despite the police check, he lacked a valid driver's license. The incident occurred in the heart of Dresden, known for its historic sites. Subsequently, the police required an alcohol test, which exceeded the legal limit.

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