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Drone damages power line and crashes into vineyard

Winemakers and winemakers wear protective spraying equipment on vines in many places. There was a rare collision in the air at the Mosel.

Some vineyards were damaged when the drone touched down.
Some vineyards were damaged when the drone touched down.

Accident above the vineyard - Drone damages power line and crashes into vineyard

Over a vineyard in Veldenz (District Bernkastel-Wittlich), a 70 kilogram drone collided with a power line. Both the line and the falling drone, as well as some vine stocks, were damaged, the Bernkastel-Kues Police Inspection (Rheinland-Pfalz) announced on Saturday. The drone was reportedly used by a commercial operator for spraying work. The accident on Friday evening caused approximately 3000 Euros in damages. The power line reportedly supplies a nearby mobile phone mast. Private households were not affected by power outages.

  1. The incident in Veldenz, part of the Bernkastel-Wittlich district in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, underscores the potential risks associated with using drones near power lines.
  2. In a bid to revolutionize agriculture, technology companies are developing drones for various farming tasks, but accidents like the one in Bernkastel-Wittlich highlight the need for stringent safety measures.
  3. The accident involving a 70-kilogram drone and a power line in the Moselle region has prompted discussions about the need for clearer regulations for commercial drone use in Germany's Agriculture sector.
  4. The power line supplying a mobile phone mast in Bernkastel-Wittlich, the site of a recent drone accident, serves as a reminder of the vital role such infrastructure plays in our modern, connected world.

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