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Dresden's fire department readies itself for imminent flooding

Dresden's fire department readies itself for imminent flooding

Heavy rain and continuous showers in the Czech Republic raise concerns about flooding in Dresden. This might create complications in the recovery process of the half-collapsed Carol Bridge. Nevertheless, the Dresden fire department remains hopeful.

The Dresden fire department is gearing up for potential flooding along the Elbe River. However, the ongoing cleanup operations for the bridge collapse might be impacted. Michael Klahre from the Dresden fire department mentioned the possibility of severe weather in the east. "We're keeping a close eye on it," he said.

No immediate actions have been taken as the severity of the weather situation remains uncertain. An emergency plan is in place, to be activated should flooding occur. "We're ready and well-prepared," Klahre added.

The German Weather Service (DWD) predicts heavy rainfall in the east, specifically in the Czech Republic, Isar and Riesengebirge regions, and large parts of Austria. These precipitations will impact the rivers in Saxony.

Anticipated high water levels starting Sunday

According to a meteorologist from the DWD in Leipzig, persistent rainfalls are likely to occur east of the Elbe from Friday to Sunday, particularly in the Germany-Poland-Czech Republic border region. The expected rainfall could reach 40 to 50 liters per square meter. However, the Czech Republic and a significant part of Austria are expected to receive more rain, with amounts reaching 150 to 200 liters per square meter. This will influence the higher reaches of the Elbe and other rivers in Saxony, causing a rise in water levels from Sunday or Monday. The State Flood Center is responsible for precise flood predictions in Saxony. Currently, there are no weather or flood warnings for the Free State.

The European Union expresses concern about the potential flooding in Dresden due to heavy rain in the Czech Republic. The increased water levels in the Elbe River, anticipated starting Sunday, could impact the ongoing recovery efforts of the Carol Bridge.

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