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Drama around Ukrainian battalions with hundreds of soldiers

Encirclement and Outbreak?

Kiev's Forces are currently facing massive pressure at many frontlines.
Kiev's Forces are currently facing massive pressure at many frontlines.

Drama around Ukrainian battalions with hundreds of soldiers

In a particularly fierce region in Ukraine, hundreds of soldiers were reportedly threatened with imprisonment or death. Brave advances by the defenders likely prevented the worst from happening. However, the situation in the region remains dangerous.

Two Ukrainian battalions are said to have successfully broken out of an encirclement by Russian troops, according to Deepstate, a military-affiliated channel. The day before, Deepstate had reported on the encirclement of the battalions of the 31st Mechanized Brigade, citing soldiers' reports.

This incident is said to have taken place near the small township of Prohres northwest of Avdiivka. In this area, Russian troops reportedly advanced quickly to the west, then split their formation and encircled the Ukrainian battalions with hundreds of soldiers, according to "Forbes" magazine.

Deepstate also implicates the "chaotic retreat" of a Ukrainian infantry brigade in this region over the past weekend. The renowned 47th Mechanized Brigade, often deployed in critical situations and equipped with heavy western weapons, reportedly came to help but "could not hold back the numerically superior enemy."

There are also allegations against commanding officers responsible for the volatile situation. The well-known Ukrainian correspondent Yuri Butusov reported on social media about organizational problems in the heavily contested region: "The Russian command primarily targets brigades with the weakest management and poorest organization."

Breakout a "nerve-wracking operation"

According to Deepstate, there was no order from the brigade commander for the soldiers to break out. The soldiers reportedly acted independently and managed to break free from the encirclement. "Thanks to the coordinated actions of artillery, air reconnaissance, and neighboring forces, as well as the leadership of officers on the ground, the fighters of the battalions managed to completely break out of the encirclement," Deepstate reports.

This entire operation was "nerve-wracking and difficult," Deepstate adds. "This incident should serve as a reminder to commanders not to neglect their personnel and to trust the non-commissioned officers and officers directly engaged at the frontline."

Deepstate is usually well-informed and has rarely been criticized from within the military ranks. The Ukrainian news agency UNIAN has also picked up the Deepstate report. Neither the 31st Mechanized Brigade nor the 47th Mechanized Brigade, which are referred to as the "pillars" of defense in the region, have publicly commented on the incident.

A piece of land to the south of Prohres recently reported another Ukrainian brigade about one of the "largest attacks of the war" by Russian troops. Find out more here.**

  1. The attack on Ukraine by Russian troops has extended to the small township of Prohres, where battles between Ukrainian and Russian forces continue to unfold in the realm of Wars and Conflicts.
  2. In response to the encirclement of Ukrainian battalions by Russian troops, a "nerve-wracking operation" was executed, involving the breakout of soldiers from the 31st Mechanized Brigade, a critical pillar of defense in the region, demonstrating the resilience and bravery of Ukrainian Politics.
  3. Despite the successful breakout of the Ukrainian battalions, the Politics and Military situation in Ukraine continue to be under threat, with the area northwest of Avdiivka remaining a hotspot of conflicts and Wars and Conflicts with Russia.

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