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Drake appeared to be in need of assistance and sought help from the fire department.

A duck made its way to the fire station last night, seemingly aware of its need for assistance. The injured duck, identified as a drake, is currently receiving care.

The duckling "Rüdiger" was helped by the fire department
The duckling "Rüdiger" was helped by the fire department

Harmed creature - Drake appeared to be in need of assistance and sought help from the fire department.

An injured intestine creature wandered into the fire department seeking assistance. The Mainz professional firefighters were taken aback by the strange visitor on Thursday night when it made its way onto the fire station grounds in search of help, as stated in the fire department's Press Office report on Friday.

The creature walked "slowly and intentionally" into the vehicle hall, as if it was aware that help could be found there. It showed no signs of fear, suggesting that the small intestine creature required immediate medical attention.

Rudiger is taken to the vet for treatment

The on-duty firefighters named the animal "Rudiger" and transported it to a veterinarian. The subsequent course of Rudiger's recovery was uncertain at the time, "however, the firefighters maintain hope for a complete recovery of their little patient."

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