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Draghi could become EU Commission President

Successor for von der Leyen


Draghi could become EU Commission President

There is speculation in Italy about the possible candidacy of the former President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, for the post of head of the European Commission.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen

The renowned daily newspaper "La Repubblica" reported, citing diplomatic circles in Brussels and Paris, that French President Emmanuel Macron is campaigning for the 76-year-old to succeed Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. The former German Defense Minister could then move to NATO as Secretary General, according to reports.

There was no official comment on this, not even from Draghi himself. The French presidential office only said: "We have nothing to say about this." A spokesperson for von der Leyen also declined to comment when asked by dpa. The post of head of the EU Commission will be up for grabs after the European elections in June. The current NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has actually wanted to step down for some time. The Norwegian's term of office has already been extended several times by the Western military alliance.

Draghi: EU is at a "critical moment"

After his time at the helm of the central bank in his home country, Draghi was prime minister for a year and a half until October 2022, although he does not belong to any party. In the fall, von der Leyen commissioned him to draw up a report on the future of the European Union. A few days ago, Draghi said that the EU was at a "critical moment". Right-wing populist parties are currently on the rise in several member states. There are also fears that the EU will face tougher times if former US President Donald Trump wins the election in November 2024.

According to "Repubblica", Macron has already sounded out German Chancellor Olaf Scholz about the personnel issues. CDU politician von der Leyen has been head of the EU Commission since 2019. So far, the 65-year-old has not yet publicly commented on whether she wants to continue. It is expected that von der Leyen will announce by the spring whether she is seeking a second term in office.

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