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Dozens of 'troublemakers' in Slovakia have been killed

No longer afraid of people

New phone number to report dangerous encounters with bears
New phone number to report dangerous encounters with bears

Dozens of 'troublemakers' in Slovakia have been killed

Brown Bears are actually protected by nature: However, in Slovakia, several have already been shot this year. Recently, bears in the country have injured hikers and forest rangers.

Since the beginning of the year, 41 brown bears have been shot in Slovakia. This was announced by the state nature protection authority of the country. "In each individual case, it was individuals that had lost their fear of humans and posed a threat to life, health, and property of citizens," said a spokesperson in Banska Bystrica. Before the release of the "problem bears" for shooting, a thorough examination takes place.

There is a new uniform hotline number in Slovakia for reporting dangerous encounters with a round-the-clock situation center. This can then dispatch intervention teams, among other things. A focus of the work of nature protection authorities is on education and prevention. For example, it is ensured that trash cans are closed, so that bears are not attracted to houses.

In Slovakia, there are approximately 5.4 million inhabitants and an estimated 1300 brown bears. They prefer to live in mountains or dense forests, but encounters between humans and animals still occur. In the spring alone, more than a dozen people were injured, some seriously. Among them were hikers, mushroom pickers, and forest rangers. In March, a tourist fell on the run from a bear and died.

In case of an unwanted encounter with a brown bear, experts advise standing calmly and slowly backing away. Under no circumstances should one wave their arms, throw stones, shout loudly, or take a selfie.

Despite the international efforts to protect brown bears, the issue of bear attacks persists in Slovakia. This was evident when a hiker was injured by a bear in the country's mountains earlier this spring.

The recent surge in bear attacks in Slovakia has led to discussions within the international community about potential strategies to mitigate this issue.

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