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Domestic gadgets equipped with intelligence are experiencing a surge in popularity.

Domestic gadgets equipped with intelligence are experiencing a surge in popularity.

"With smart home technology on the rise, it's no surprise that a significant number of German households are hopping on the bandwagon. According to a Bitkom survey, roughly half of German homes now boast at least one 'smart home' application. This includes things like robot vacuums, intelligent power and water meters, and security systems. Previous surveys in 2020 and 2022 revealed figures of 37 and 43 percent, respectively."

Bitkom CEO Bernhard Rohleder noted that smart home applications can make life easier, safer, and more energy-efficient. He added that AI is set to make interactions with these devices even more intuitive. Rohleder expects the smart home market to receive a significant boost from AI, as 80% of the survey's nearly 1,200 respondents expressed a general openness to AI-controlled household appliances.

Intelligent lamps and lights (41%), thermostats (36%), and power outlets (31%) are the most common smart home devices in German households. Vacuum robots can be found in about a quarter of homes. The average consumer uses seven such devices. An impressive 68% of respondents said they would never want to live without smart home applications again, citing convenience as their primary motivation. Sceptics, however, voiced fears of hacking or data theft as reasons for their hesitancy to embrace this technology. Rohleder advised consumers to stick with reputable providers and certified products when making purchases, warning that cutting corners on security could lead to problems down the line.

In addition to smart vacuum cleaners, other household appliances that are gaining popularity in German homes due to AI integration are smart refrigerators and dishwashers. Moreover, as many as 63% of respondents express interest in incorporating AI-controlled cooking appliances into their homes, further expanding the realm of smart home technology.

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