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Dog left in overheated car - Rescue

He probably couldn't hold it in for much longer: A dog was rescued from an overheated car. Its owner freed the animal themselves - after a hike.}

Bystanders alerted the police: A dog has been left in an overheated car (image)
Bystanders alerted the police: A dog has been left in an overheated car (image)

Dog in distress - Dog left in overheated car - Rescue

A dog was left behind by its owner in a closed and overheated car in the Cham district - and was rescued in time. Concerned bystanders had seen the motionless dog in the vehicle in Neukirchen at the Heiligen Blut and called the emergency services, as the police reported. The officers tried to contact the dog owner, but unsuccessfully.

Just before the police were about to break the window, the 71-year-old returned to the car. According to reports, he had gotten lost during his hike on Saturday and was now worried about his pet. Dazed but alive, he brought his 15-year-old dog out into the open. A procedure under animal protection law is pending against the senior.

The dog's lucky rescue occurred in the Cham district, which is part of the Upper Palatinate district in Bayern, Germany. The incident took place nearby the New Church in Neukirchen. The automatic emergency call system was activated due to the concern of the bystanders. Despite the level of emergency, the district of Cham's rescue services were not required to intervene as the dog owner returned before any immediate action was needed.

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