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Doctor at UKE dismissed - examination for misconduct

A doctor at Hamburg's Eppendorf University Hospital has been banned from treating patients for the time being. An investigation is to clarify whether he can be accused of misconduct.

The University Medical Center Eppendorf has released a doctor from his duties and initiated an...
The University Medical Center Eppendorf has released a doctor from his duties and initiated an investigation.

Accusations against doctors - Doctor at UKE dismissed - examination for misconduct

The University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) has released a leading doctor from duty. The measure is precautionary and reversible, the clinic stated. According to the announcement, an investigation into possible misconduct by the doctor is underway. The clinic's management has taken over the leadership of two other doctors for the duration of the investigation. A spokesperson declined to provide further details. "However, we can confirm that the investigation has not yet provided any evidence of patient endangerment or treatment errors," it was stated.

Media report about a letter of concern from colleagues

The "Hamburger Morgenpost" (Mopo) reported on a "letter of concern" in which almost 40 employees - among them 17 doctors - were said to have warned against a chief doctor. It is alleged that complications occurred during surgeries that required extensive post-treatment and inappropriate behavior towards female colleagues, as well as patients. The affected doctor told the newspaper that he had not been dismissed by the UKE management. "The unfounded accusations were not confirmed," the Mopo quoted the doctor.

A spokesperson for the clinic confirmed the existence of the letter of concern but did not elaborate. She stated only: "The UKE takes any indication of potential misconduct by employees seriously and investigates corresponding allegations."

  1. The doctor at the center of the controversy is associated with University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), one of Hamburg's renowned hospitals.
  2. Despite the ongoing investigation, no instances of patient endangerment or treatment errors have been uncovered at Eppendorf Hospital, as stated by the clinic's officials.
  3. The affected doctor, who was not dismissed by UKE management, disagreed with the allegations made in the letter of concern, claiming that they were unfounded, as reported by the "Hamburger Morgenpost".

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