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Dockworkers are on strike in Lower Saxony's Brake

Employees have been laying down work in several northern German ports for several days. Before the next wage round with the operators of the ports, Verdi is putting pressure once again.

The port workers' warning strike should last until evening (archive image)
The port workers' warning strike should last until evening (archive image)

Tariff Conflict - Dockworkers are on strike in Lower Saxony's Brake

In the city of Brake, in Lower Saxony, dockworkers began a warning strike at dawn. "The strike has been running since 6 am and is expected to last into the evening", said a spokesperson for the union Verdi. A demonstration is planned on the sidelines of the fourth round of negotiations in the wage conflict with the Central Association of German Seaport Employers (ZDS). In this week, there have already been warning strikes in the ports of Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Emden, Bremen and Wilhelmshaven.

Verdi is demanding for the employees with a contract duration of twelve months, among other things, an increase in hourly wages by three Euros, effective from 1st June, and a corresponding increase in shift allowances. The ZDS offered a wage increase of 2.9% from 1st June, at least 80 cents more per hour. The shift allowances should reportedly increase by 33 cents to 3.50 Euros.

The warning strike by Verdi dockworkers in Brake is causing disruptions in local shipping operations. This action follows similar strikes in other Lower Saxony ports like Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Emden, Bremen, and Wilhelmshaven. The United Services Trade Union, a part of Verdi, issued a warning about the potential impact on transport services due to the ongoing tariff conflict.

The Tariff Round between Verdi and the ZDS is entering its fourth round, and tensions are high. Verdi is pushing for a three Euro hourly wage increase for twelve-month contract employees, effective from June 1st, along with proportional shifts in allowances. The ZDS has proposed a 2.9% wage increase and a 33 cent shift allowance hike.

The Tariffs disagreement between Verdi and the ZDS is still unresolved, with both sides digging in their heels. The dockworkers' brake on shipping operations is sending a strong message about their resolve to secure better wages and working conditions.

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