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Djir-Sarai: Deportations to Syria should come

FDP puts pressure after verdict

For the FDP-Secretary General, the verdict means 'another significant building block for a new...
For the FDP-Secretary General, the verdict means 'another significant building block for a new realpolitik in migration'.

Djir-Sarai: Deportations to Syria should come

**The Oberverwaltungsgericht in Munster has recently ruled that for civilians in Syria, "there is no serious, individual threat to their lives or bodily integrity" due to arbitrary violence. The FDP now demands that regular deportations to Syria be resumed. FDP General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai told the Funke Media Group newspapers: "The Munster Administrative Court's ruling makes it clear that there is no general, serious threat to civilians in Syria. Deportations to Syria - and also to Afghanistan - are therefore possible and they must come. This is another significant building block for a new realpolitik in migration." Djir-Sarai added: "Other European countries see this necessity as well."

Due to the complicated situations in the civil war country Syria, deportations there have been suspended. However, the Munster Court emphasized in a recent ruling that for civilians in Syria, "there is no serious, individual threat to their lives or bodily integrity" due to arbitrary violence. In asylum proceedings, this had previously been assumed in the rule of thumb - which can justify a subsidiary protection for those applicants who are not recognized as individually persecuted refugees.

In the concrete case, it concerned the appeal of a Syrian who sought full protection status. Since he had already been sentenced to imprisonment for human smuggling into Europe, the Munster judges, in their opinion, could neither recognize him as a refugee nor grant him subsidiary protection.

  1. In response to the Munster Court's ruling, Bijan Djir-Sarai, the FDP's General Secretary, argued that the ruling indicates there's no significant threat to civilians in Syria, which implies that deportations to Syria could be resumed.
  2. Amidst the ongoing dispute about asylum for Syrian refugees, Bijan Djir-Sarai, an FDP figure, stated that other European countries share his view, echoing his call for resuming regular deportations to Syria.

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