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District council election sees defeat for right-wing extremist Tommy Frenck.

The recent local election results caused uproar, with right-wing extremist Tommy Frenck facing potential loss in the upcoming district council election's second round.

Tommy Frenck became known throughout Germany for organizing a series of large neo-Nazi concerts,...
Tommy Frenck became known throughout Germany for organizing a series of large neo-Nazi concerts, which were also attended by right-wing extremists from other European countries.

Vote-off contest - District council election sees defeat for right-wing extremist Tommy Frenck.

In the Hildburghausen district of Thuringia, extremist Tommy Frenck is about to lose his bid for a spot on the district council. With 120 out of 127 polling stations counted, Frenck had secured 31.0% of the votes, whereas Free Voters candidate Sven Gregor had snagged 69.0%. While Gregor's win was obvious, nearly 30% of Hildburghausen's voters supported Frenck in the runoff.

Frenck rose to prominence after organizing numerous neo-Nazi concerts, which attracted right-wing extremists from all over Europe. His organization, the "Alliance for the Future Hildburghausen," was identified as the main neo-Nazi group in the district in the 2022 report by the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

Experts believed Frenck shouldn't have been allowed to run in the first place. However, the district's election committee made the decision to allow him onto the ballot.

In the district council election that took place a few weeks ago, Frenck managed to edged past a CDU candidate and take his spot in the runoff. There was no affiliation with the AfD party.

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