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Disruptive Incident Involving Law Enforcement at Wedding Celebration

At a wedding in Wuppertal, numerous attendees engage in a physical altercation. Upon the arrival of law enforcement, the dispute escalates, resulting in five officers sustaining injuries.

At a wedding celebration in Wuppertal, law enforcement officials became involved.
At a wedding celebration in Wuppertal, law enforcement officials became involved.

- Disruptive Incident Involving Law Enforcement at Wedding Celebration

At a wedding celebration in Wuppertal, things turned chaotic as police officers got into some trouble with rowdy guests. Five officers ended up with minor injuries after being punched, kicked, and even bitten. The cops were called to the event following a scuffle among the guests, who were reportedly swinging glasses and bottles around.

Upon their arrival, the officers were met with hostility, as per a source. There was even a report of a guest pulling out a kitchen knife, but fortunately, no one got hurt. The man wielding the knife eventually let it go and it fell to the ground. The unruly guests were eventually subdued using stun guns and batons.

Three young men, around 22 to 24 years old, were taken into custody for resisting arrest and continuing their assault on the officers. On top of that, the police took down the details of 40 guests and issued them with dispersal orders. Luckily, the injured officers were able to carry on with their duties. This information was initially shared by WDR.

Despite the officers' efforts to maintain order, the wedding celebration escalated into a crime scene. The rowdy behavior resulted in several accusations of assault against the unruly guests.

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