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Dispute over Gaza protests - London on the brink of government crisis

British Home Secretary Suella Braverman has long portrayed herself as a conservative hardliner. Now the 43-year-old may have crossed a line. But this is probably a calculated move.

The British Home Secretary Suella
The British Home Secretary Suella

Dispute over Gaza protests - London on the brink of government crisis

British Home Secretary Suella Braverman is using the uproar over pro-Palestinian protests to position herself as a possible successor to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. The Conservative hardliner accused the London police, for which she herself is responsible, of being blind in the left eye and condoning breaches of the law during the "hate marches" against the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip. Sunak came under massive pressure on Thursday to fire the 43-year-old, who has been dominating the headlines in the country for days with right-wing populist statements.

Sunak's spokesman was asked whether the prime minister had the impression that Braverman still respected his authority. "Yes," he said. And Downing Steeet emphasized that the head of government has "full confidence" in his party colleague.

But this could weaken the prime minister. Even many Tories have the impression that Braverman is deliberately setting out to be confrontational. "She's on a mission to be sacked," the Sky News channel quoted one MP as saying. Some observers believe that Braverman will claim the party leadership at the latest after the next election, which is likely to take place in 2024 and is currently expected to be lost by the Tories. If she is fired by Sunak now, her name will not be associated with an election failure, according to reports in London.

Most vocal representative of the right wing of the party

Braverman has long staged herself as the most vocal representative of the right wing of the party. The minister has the "license to say the unsayable", commented BBC chief reporter Chris Mason. She is allowed to express views that colleagues would not even dare to say in private. "How do we know she has the license? If she didn't have it, she'd be fired."

Braverman repeatedly lashed out at irregular migrants, speaking of an "invasion" and most recently of a "hurricane". She railed against homosexuals and "eco-zealots". A few days ago, the minister wanted to ban charities from giving tents to homeless people who had chosen to live on the streets as a "lifestyle". There was already a great deal of excitement within the party.

The opposition Labor Party, which is leading in all polls, now called Braverman "out of control". The fact that Sunak is letting her get away with it proves his weakness. On the other hand, the minister received support from the right wing. Braverman is authentic and that is what people want, said former Brexit minister David Frost.

For Sunak, the case is becoming a crucial test. If he fires Braverman, the arch-conservatives will loudly accuse him of bowing to pressure from liberal forces. If he sticks with Braverman, he indirectly adopts their right-wing populist statements.

Worse poll ratings

Either way, the dispute is once again overshadowing the political plans. Sunak wanted to put the scandals of his predecessors Boris Johnson and Liz Truss behind him and score points with competence, integrity and stability. He has failed to achieve this goal, as a recent survey shows. Only 25 percent consider his government to have integrity, only slightly fewer consider it to be competent and effective. When Sunak took office just over a year ago, all ratings were significantly higher.

The fact that Sunak had installed Braverman at that time had already been sharply criticized. She had resigned from the same post just a few days earlier because she had forwarded an official document from her personal email address. However, as a representative of the right wing, she was obviously too important for Sunak.

However, the prime minister did leave himself a loophole. His spokesman confirmed that Braverman's guest article in the Times, which was directed against the police, had not been approved by the government. The matter would be investigated, he emphasized. "We will provide an update if it is appropriate." But there is no timetable.

  1. The controversy over Braverman's comments about the police handling of pro-Palestinian demonstrations has led some to question whether her personal details, including her allegiance to the government, align with the prime minister's vision.
  2. During the debate over the Gaza protests, Rishi Sunak has recently faced pressures to address conflicts within his own party, particularly regarding the demonstrations and the stance of Suella Braverman, a prominent member who has been vocal in her criticisms.
  3. Despite the ongoing disputes over her statements and the government's authority, Rishi Sunak has maintained his support for Suella Braverman, acknowledging her role as an important figure in the conservative wing of the party and demonstrating the potential for further conflicts in the future, especially as the next election approaches in 2024.


