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Discontentment Towards Apple's 'By the Seaside' Alarm Tune Is Widespread

Gyaltsen Moktan jolted awake at 6 am, filled with alarm.

Apple's "By the Seaside" is perhaps one of the company's most controversial tunes, drawing the ire...
Apple's "By the Seaside" is perhaps one of the company's most controversial tunes, drawing the ire of many iPhone users on social media.

Discontentment Towards Apple's 'By the Seaside' Alarm Tune Is Widespread

It's the year 2019. He was employed at a sushi buffet with an all-you-can-eat policy, and his duty was to open the establishment each day. To ensure a timely start, he set an alarm on his iPhone.

The peppy, mocking tune "By the Seaside" woke him each morning, chosen from the vast array of ringtones on various Apple devices. Moktan, now an English teacher in Tokyo, Japan, felt that the song's lively melody would make waking up a relaxing experience, but it turned out to be quite the opposite. He described the alarm as if it was mocking him, comparable to horror movie scenarios where a nursery rhyme precedes danger.

Many people dislike or love "By the Seaside" intensely, with some even calling it a terrifying ringtone. The alarm is often compared to nails on a chalkboard, the word "moist," and screaming children on a plane.

Old telephones only had the shrill, continuous ring of a landline. Today, with numerous ringtones available, the sounds often reflect an individual's personality and what can cause stress and anxiety.

You might think you don't know "By the Seaside," but YouTube offers extended versions, rap remixes, and various instrument covers.

Carlos Xavier Rodriguez, chair of music theory at the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance, explained that the tune's divisive nature is either loved or hated by people.

Gyaltsen Moktan, a 26-year-old English teacher in Tokyo, says that

Throughout history, people have used various sounds to dependably wake up, relying on everything from church bells to roosters. Knocker-uppers, workers who knocked on doors or windows to wake customers, were employed until the 1970s in some parts of Britain. The first known alarm clock in the United States was invented by Levi Hutchins in 1787, but it only rang once at 4 am. In 1874, Antoine Redier patented an adjustable mechanical alarm clock, followed by Seth Thomas's wind-up one in a couple of years. The electric alarm clock was invented by the end of the 19th century.

Modern alarm clocks can emit light mimicking sunrise, gently waking users with a soft glow and calming sounds such as birds chirping or a flute melody.

Boston Flake, a 15-year-old student from Utah, is one of those who finds "By the Seaside" the only alarm that reliably wakes him for school. He has tried crafting unique alarms with various songs, sirens, horns, and booming bass lines, but to no avail.

Flake has a love-hate relationship with the tune; he sometimes hears it in his dreams and wakes up in a startled state. Apple did not comment on the matter.

Rodriguez explained that the musical elements of "By the Seaside" make it challenging to listen to. The lack of a clear key and the song's abrupt pauses before repeating contribute to the listeners' discomfort. Moreover, the tune's synthetic, cheesy sound evokes a sense of being devoid of human touch, similar to robots, dolls, and clowns.

Boston Flake, a 15-year-old high school student in Utah, is in a love-hate relationship with the controversial alarm tune.

Internet users often express their aversion to the nautical jingle on social media platforms, claiming that it triggers a fight-or-flight response, causes heart palpitations, and instills dread.

Rumors about pop singer Adele writing the tune and making more money from it than her entire discography have circulated on social media, which Ryan Meadows, the creator of Fake Showbiz News, confirmed to CNN. Adele's representatives did not respond to requests for comment. However, some people still find the tune comforting and soothing.

Roxas, age 34, is a huge fan of the song "By the Seaside". He doesn't understand why so many people dislike it. Roxas even goes as far as to let the song play out until it's finished, then does a little dance in bed.

On the other hand, Moktan, age 26, thinks people may dislike their alarms because they naturally begin to dislike whatever wakes them up. He attempted to use "Just the Two of Us" by Bill Withers and Grover Washington, Jr as his alarm, but ended up changing it since he started hating the song.

"I still haven't found an alarm that I like," Moktan admits.

Despite the criticism levied against

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In the tech industry, the debate surrounding the divisive nature of "By the Seaside" as a ringtone or alarm tune has sparked discussions. Some tech companies have even created customizable alarm sounds, allowing users to choose alarms that don't cause stress or anxiety.

In the world of business, this trend has led to an increased demand for tech solutions that cater to individual preferences and sleep patterns, aiming to improve productivity and overall well-being.



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