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Dillingen region additionally announces a state of emergency.

Live updates: Flooding in progress.

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.
Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

Dillingen region additionally announces a state of emergency.

Due to persistent rain, the District Office in Dillingen, located in the Bavarian part of Swabia, has declared a disaster emergency. The situation on the Zusam, a tributary leading to the Danube, is deteriorating, as reported by the authorities. The local crisis team has asked for Bundeswehr assistance as they expect a 100-year flood on this small river, which could influence the neighboring towns of Buttenwiesen and Wertingen. While authorities are preparing to release water from the overflowing Danube into the Riedstrom, a previous natural floodplain of the river, the District Office requests area farmers to keep their livestock in secure stables.

21:09: Eighth municipality in Bavaria declares disaster emergency:

The District of Neuburg-Schrobenhausen in Upper Bavaria has declared a disaster emergency as the eighth municipality in Bavaria. The reason is the increasing levels of the Danube and its tributaries, mentioned by the district office in the Upper Bavarian municipality. The Water Management Office Ingolstadt predicts the water level at the Neuburg gauge to reach level 4 this evening. The situation at the Paar, one of the Danube tributaries, and the Weilach, flowing into the Paar, is even more precarious. As reported by the Schrobenhausen district office, the Weilach has already overflowed in the Mühldorf district of Schrobenhausen, flooding a population area. Emergency services are preparing to evacuate residents there, according to District Administrator Peter von der Grün. The condition is more alarming, especially in the southern region of the district. Von der Grün highlights the importance of safeguarding roads, bridges, and paths. "Only then can the fire department continue to handle emergencies."

20:09: Bavarian Red Cross rescues people from their roofs with a helicopter:

The Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) saved two people from their roof in Babenhausen with a helicopter. The BRK spokesman stated that the two were in a life-threatening situation because the house was at risk of collapsing due to the large masses of water. Other people were also rescued from their homes using inflatable boats. The rescue teams had brought more than 100 people to safety - including several children.

20:00: Residents had to be freed from their cars:

Rescue teams in several municipalities of the Augsburg district also had to free people trapped in their vehicles due to the rising water. A spokesperson explained that such a situation could quickly become life-threatening as the current and rising water in the car could pose a risk.

In several areas of Augsburg, people are being urged to leave their homes due to the urgency of the flood situation. The situation is expected to intensify in the evening in the north of the district, as stated by a spokesperson for the Augsburg district office. The regions impacted include Batzenhofen, Gablingen, Langweid, Eisenbrechtshofen, Biberbach, Allmannshofen, and the whole municipality of Nordendorf. The government of Swabia has set up a temporary shelter at the Augsburg fairgrounds.

19:38: Bundeswehr supports flooded areas in Bavaria:

Bundeswehr troops are assisting in the flood efforts in Bavaria. "The Bundeswehr is aiding the two districts of Gunzburg and Aichach-Friedberg after both districts made an official request," notes a Bundeswehr spokesperson from the Bavarian command to Antenne Bayern. "Around Gunzburg, blankets and field beds are being distributed. In the district of Aichach-Friedberg, approximately 50 Bundeswehr soldiers are expected in the coming hours. In addition, two Bundeswehr trucks are active there."

19:10: Faeser promises more support:

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser pledges additional support to the affected regions in southern Germany. "The THW, or Technical Relief Organization, is deployed in response to the continuous rain and the imminent floods," comments the SPD politician in Berlin. "We will continue to assist the affected federal states with all available forces." According to Faeser, there are currently 520 THW assistants and helpers stationed. They have rescued people, secured dikes, and pumped water. Faeser also expressed gratitude to all those involved in fighting the water masses. "I'd like to thank all the helpers very much who are currently battling against the water masses and tirelessly working to save lives." People in the regions impacted by flooding in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg should heed the warnings and instructions of the authorities, Faeser said. "Take these warnings seriously!"

18:51: 29 climbers rescued at Zugspitze:

The fire department and the mountain rescue service of the Bundeswehr have jointly rescued 29 climbers at the Zugspitze. Two helicopters were utilized for the rescue operation over the summit of Zugspitze. The climbers were eventually brought to safety.

The distressed climbers at Zugspitze, as per the Live Ticker update from 3:15 PM, have been successfully rescued. A total of 29 individuals have been safely escorted to the Gletscherrestaurant Sonnalpin at Zugspitzplatt by the mountain rescue team. Emergency calls were made from various groups, who could not continue due to treacherous weather conditions and fresh snow at approximately 2500 meters above sea level, around 900 meters prior to the Sonnalpin. The mountain rescue crew promptly responded. Additionally, staff from Zugspitzbahn were on their way with snow groomers to search for the stranded climbers, confirmed a spokesperson for Zugspitzbahn.

Second highest storm warning in place for Brandenburg parts

German Meteorological Service (DWD) warns the regions of Dahme-Spreewald, Märkisch-Oderland, and Oder-Spree in Brandenburg for potential dangers from heavy thunderstorms. This warning is valid until the evening and will likely result in lightning strikes, uprooted trees or high-voltage lines, falling objects, rapid flooding of roads, landslides, or hail.

A3 motorway in Bavaria flooded - partially closed

The A3 motorway in Bavaria near Regensburg is partially closed for about ten kilometers between exits Parsberg and Beratzhausen in both directions. The road is submerged, according to the police presidium Upper Palatinate. "The water is being pushed onto the motorway from the fields," says a spokesman. Per traffic police Regensburg, the motorway administration, fire department, and police are on site. The traffic will be diverted, assures a spokesman.

Prison evacuated due to flooding in Memmingen

The prison in Memmingen, Bavaria, is being evacuated due to the impending flood danger. The news agency Nonstopnews reports that around 150 inmates will be temporarily relocated to Landsberg, Kempten, and Augsburg. The Memminger Ach, a small river that runs in front of the prison, has now transformed into a torrential stream and is threatening to engulf the prison. Some parts of the courtyard are already flooded. This may lead to a power outage, prompting the prison administration to conduct the evacuation. The police arrived with numerous emergency vehicles to facilitate the evacuation. The evacuation had to be carried out over flooded roads, as the access road was already underwater. The fire department was also dispatched with pumps to drain water from the prison.

Rain causes water levels to rise to level 4 in several Swabian locations

Due to heavy rainfall, water levels are rising to level 4 in several gauges in Swabia. In Lower Bavaria and Upper Palatinate, rivers are swelling. The gauges in Neu-Ulm Bad Held (Danube), Hasberg (Mindel), Fleinhausen (Zusam), Fischach (Schmutter), as reported by the flood warning service (HND). In Dasing (Paar), level 4 is also expected to be reached. The same applies to the Regen River in Cham, Upper Palatinate. The Hundred-year floods are reported in Nattenhausen (Guenz) and Dasing (Paar).

Rising water levels in Swabia:

The Pegel Wiblingen (Iller) is slated to reach peak levels in Meldestufe 3 on Saturday to Sunday, while the water levels in the lower Iller are already depleting. In the northern Donau tributaries Woernitz, Sulzach, Altmuhl, Schwarze Laber, and Naab, there are individual gauges with level 1 and 2 exceedances, with an increasing trend. From Neu-Ulm to Kelheim, water levels are predicted to rise to Meldestufe 3 during the day, such as in Gunzburg, Donauwoerth, and Neuburg. The Pegel Kelheim is also likely to reach this point. In the further Donau section to Passau, increases to Meldestufe 1 and 2 are anticipated.

Flight operations at Munich Airport unaffected by the rain

Despite the heavy rain in various parts of Bavaria, flight operations at Munich Airport can proceed as usual. At this time, no flight has been canceled. There are several reasons for this. "We see the water standing in the meadows near the runways," stated airport spokesman Robert Wilhelm to BR. The airport is built slightly higher. The runway is also sunken on the sides, allowing water to drain. Furthermore, the runway is "grooved," featuring grooves that accelerate water drainage. Consequently, there is no risk of aquaplaning, clarified Wilhelm while interacting with the Bavarian broadcaster. The airport does not anticipate any significant issues in the near future.

Söder: "The situation is becoming more severe"

Söder stated, "Now things are really getting started."


Bavarian Premier Markus Söder visited the region hit hardest by the storm to get an up-close look at the situation. During his trip to Diedorf in the Augsburg region, he expressed gratitude to the helpers and officials. "Bavaria is tested in a crisis situation," Söder declared in the company of Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann. The citizens are facing an "extreme burden," he added. "This is not over yet," Söder emphasized. Currently, the focus of the storm is Swabia, so resources such as sandbags are being focused there. "Without the helpers, we wouldn't stand a chance," Söder said to the rescue services like the fire department, Red Cross, police, and Technical Relief Organization. "They all showed incredible dedication," he added, appealing to the public: "Please follow the rules." Evacuation orders should be strictly adhered to, avoid going back into the basement, and don't try to drive out of the garage.

At 16:35, no trains can run anymore

The storms and floods in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria are also impacting train services. According to Deutsche Bahn, there are disruptions and train cancellations in Southern Germany. Two ICE lines, specifically Munich, Bregenz, and Zurich all day on Saturday, as well as the line between Ulm and Augsburg, are affected. Deutsche Bahn is providing updates on its website about track closures, cancellations, and delays.

16:12 Disaster situation impacts Unterallgäu - Residents needing help should hang a white cloth

The crisis situation now includes the Bavarian district of Unterallgäu. In the town of Babenhausen, parts of the phone network have failed. Anyone who needs aid but cannot call should hang a white cloth or sheet out the window so that their need for help becomes visible, urges the district administration. In Babenhausen, people are being rescued from their homes using inflatable boats.

15:57 400 THW members at work in South Germany

In response to the storms in South Germany, around 400 members of the Technical Relief Organization (THW) are currently hard at work. The THW headquarters in Bonn provides this information. They are removing water, securing dams, and evacuating people in advance. "Given the continuous and at times heavy rain, the THW is preparing to deploy additional THW forces specifically," it says. In the affected areas, mobile flood gauges will be installed and monitored. "Due to additional weather forecasts and potential flooding in the coming hours, the THW is prepared to deploy more THW forces." Multiple rescue teams are on standby nationwide. Each rescue team consists of about 40 THW members who operate three sewage pumps, a generator, an exploration vehicle, and a command post. Each rescue team can pump 30,000 liters of water per minute.

15:37 All flood warnings on one map

This map illustrates all current flood warnings. The map is frequently updated.

15:15 Report: 26-person mountain climbing group stuck under Zugspitze

A 26-member mountain climbing group is reportedly stuck several hundred meters below the summit of the Zugspitze. According to broadcaster BR, over 60 centimeters of fresh snow has fallen on the Zugspitze in the last few hours, while heavy rain is falling in the valley. Temperatures hover around freezing, and visibility is roughly 100 meters. Multiple rescue teams have been dispatched to find the climbers in the blizzard, BR reports, citing the Garmisch-Partenkirchen Mountain Rescue Service. The group is reportedly exhausted and seemingly inadequately equipped. It's unclear why they attempted to climb the Zugspitze despite the severe weather conditions.

14:52 Disaster declaration issued in Donau-Ries district

The Donau-Ries district in Bavaria has declared a disaster. This measure is intended to "gather all forces to prepare for the anticipated water levels more quickly and efficiently," explains District Administrator Stefan Roßle in a statement. "It's important to maintain calm and, if possible, avoid low-lying areas at this time," Roßle continues.

14:20 Dam breaches near Augsburg - Evacuations being prepared

In the Swabian district of Augsburg, a dike and a dam have given way. The local administration confirms this. Residents of certain streets in the town of Diedorf must evacuate their homes. Preparations are underway for an evacuation in the Anhausen area of Diedorf, as shared by the Augsburg District Administration. "It's no longer safe to move to higher floors," the Augsburg District Administration advises. A dam has broken in Burgwalden, and a dike on the Anhauser Weiher reservoir has collapsed. All residents of the impacted areas are urged to leave their homes immediately and independently within the next hour and relocate to the Diedorf Schmuttertalhalle. Authorities also recommend avoiding railway underpasses as floodwaters might flow through them, posing a danger to life.

Bavaria's Minister President Markus Söder and Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann will make a trip to the flooded area of Augsburg this weekend. They plan to examine the condition in Diedorf, as per the Interior Ministry's announcement. The district administrator Martin Sailer will accompany them. The visit's location was suddenly changed because of the circumstances. Earlier, they had scheduled to head to the nearby town of Fischach. Currently, evacuation preparations are underway for Diedorf's residents. The flood situation in Bavaria, particularly in the Swabian region, is worsening due to the heavy rains. In addition to the district of Augsburg, the districts of Augsburg and Aichach-Friedberg have now proclaimed disasters.

The flood situation in Meckenbeuren is getting more dire. The Schussen river's level in Meckenbeuren, Bodenseekreis, is raising higher. As of the afternoon, the height was 4.72 meters, as the municipality's spokesperson mentioned. The peak is supposedly approaching shortly. In the previous flood back in 2021, the river reached 4.50 meters. Under normal circumstances, it only has a water level of 45 centimeters. Friday night, the municipality suggested around 1300 people to leave their residences as a precaution. Though, most of them went to stay with friends or family members. Only a small group used the emergency shelter. To avoid potential damage from floods, schools, kindergartens, and halls were cleared in advance. In the town of 14,000 residents, bridges were also cautiously closed.

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

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