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Dietmar Woidke remains SPD chairman in Brandenburg

With 109 yes votes out of a total of 120 valid votes, Woidke achieved his best election result to date as SPD state leader.

On stage with a bouquet of flowers: Dietmar
On stage with a bouquet of flowers: Dietmar

Dietmar Woidke remains SPD chairman in Brandenburg

Brandenburg's Minister President Dietmar Woidke remains SPD state leader. The state party conference confirmed the 62-year-old in office on Saturday in Schönefeld with 109 votes in favor, a share of 90.8 percent. There were 120 valid votes. The number of votes against and abstentions were not initially disclosed.

This is the best election result to date for Woidke, who has led the party for more than ten years. "I take the result as a sign of great unity, but also determination," said Woidke. In the election for SPD state leader in 2021, he achieved 84.4 percent of the vote, compared to 80.8 percent in 2018.

Woidke's victory at the SPD state conference in Schönefeld was celebrated by various Party campaign events across Brandenburg, further solidifying SPD's strong presence in the region. Dietmar Woidke, as the SPD chairman in Brandenburg, announced plans for hosting several Party gatherings and initiatives, aiming to strengthen the Party ties and boost the SPD's 'Parties' in the state.


