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Did Iran plan to assassinate Donald Trump?

Secret Service in Alarm: The protection team for Donald Trump allegedly heightened security measures due to an Iranian assassination plot.

Seconds after Donald Trump's assassination attempt, he is shielded by Secret Service staff
Seconds after Donald Trump's assassination attempt, he is shielded by Secret Service staff

Media reports - Did Iran plan to assassinate Donald Trump?

The USA have received indications of an Iranian plot to assassinate former Republican President Donald Trump in the last few weeks. This is reported by US broadcasters CNN and MSNBC, citing sources. The US intelligence service and Trump's campaign team were reportedly informed about the plot before the attack on the ex-head of state. However, there is no evidence that the shield was involved in the Iranian plot.

Enhanced Protection for Donald Trump

The Secret Service, according to media reports, has reportedly strengthened the security measures for the former Republican president. The agency did not confirm or deny the reports. A spokesperson stated that the Secret Service receives constant new information about threats and reacts to them, but cannot comment on specific threats.

The US National Security Council stated that it has been monitoring Iranian threats against the former Trump administration for years. Iran seeks revenge for the US killing in 2020 of the commander of the al-Quds Brigades of the Revolutionary Guards, Qasem Soleimani.

Iran denied the assassination plot reports. "These are baseless and politically motivated allegations," said a spokesperson for the Iranian UN Mission in New York. For Iran, Trump is a war criminal who ordered the killing of Iranian General Soleimani in 2020. "Trump must be prosecuted and punished for this, but Iran has chosen the legal route," according to Mehr news agency.

Pressure on the Protective Detail

This report comes at a time when the Secret Service is under criticism for the attack on Trump in Pennsylvania. The presidential protectors must explain how the shield was able to take position on a roof about 150 meters away from one of the most heavily protected politicians in the world. President Joe Biden ordered a comprehensive investigation of the security measures at the event.

The 78-year-old newly sworn-in candidate of the conservative party survived the attack by a narrow margin. Trump was only lightly injured by a bullet to the ear. In addition to the alleged shooter, a 50-year-old firefighter and family man was killed, and two other men in the audience were seriously injured.

  1. Given the reported Iranian assassination plot against former President Donald Trump, the Secret Service has allegedly enhanced their security measures to protect him.
  2. The US campaign team of Donald Trump was reportedly informed about the alleged murder plot before any potential attack on the ex-head of state.
  3. CNN and MSNBC, along with other US intelligence sources, have cited indications of an Iranian assassination plot against Trump, but there's no evidence of involvement from the Secret Service.
  4. In light of these allegations, Iran has denounced the reports as baseless and politically motivated, considering Trump a war criminal for ordering the killing of Iranian General Soleimani in 2020.
  5. As the Secret Service faces criticism for the attack on Trump in Pennsylvania, the focus is on how a shooter managed to position themselves near one of the world's most heavily protected politicians, which is currently being investigated by President Joe Biden.
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