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Devastating forest fires are consuming Jasper-Nationalpark

Dozens of forest fires burn in Canada and the USA. The Jasper National Park and North California are particularly affected. Canadian authorities speak of a monster fire.

Over 1100 helpers fought against the flames.
Over 1100 helpers fought against the flames.

Catastrophic Fires - Devastating forest fires are consuming Jasper-Nationalpark

Destructive Wildfires are spreading in Canada and California. In the popular Jasper-Nationalpark in the Rocky Mountains, approximately 30 to 50 percent of the town Jasper has been laid to waste and ashes by the "Monsterfire". The Premier of the province Alberta, Danielle Smith, described it as a "nightmare".

In the Jasper-Nationalpark in British Columbia, there is now a burned area of 36,000 hectares, the park is closed for visitors, according to the Canadian park authority. Nearly 2,000 helpers are in action to contain the fires. From abroad, approximately 400 emergency workers have arrived to support the Canadian helpers, as reported by CBC.

In the province British Columbia, on the west coast of Canada, hundreds of fires are burning according to the responsible authority CIFFC. Last year, Canada was visited by forest fires to an unprecedented extent.

Wildfires in California: Suspect arrested

The neighboring country USA is also fighting forest fires. A major forest fire in the north of California, which is spreading rapidly, may have been caused by arson. According to the local authorities in Butte County, the police arrested a 42-year-old suspect. He is suspected of having caused the so-called "Park" fire near the city of Chico.

The investigators assume that the man pushed a burning car down a steep slope. The car burned completely and the flames quickly spread. The man then joined others who were fleeing from the fire, it was reported.

More than 1,100 helpers fought against the flames on Thursday (local time). With an area of over 500 square kilometers, it is the largest fire in California so far this year. Over a dozen larger fires are currently raging in the US West Coast state. The federal agency National Interagency Fire Center currently lists 89 major fires in the USA, most of which are in Oregon, the northern neighboring state of California.

Facing climate change, experts warn that fires will occur more frequently and cause more destruction. Not only humans are affected, many animals are dying and habitats are being destroyed.


The destructive wildfires in California have also prompted the United States Forest Service to issue emergency warnings in Northern California, particularly in Sacramento and its surrounding areas.

In response to the ongoing wildfires, various brands have initiated relief efforts, donating funds and resources to aid the affected areas in both California and Canada.

The tragic situation in Canada and California has also led to concerns in other parts of the world, with Australia and South Africa expressing solidarity and offering support, citing their own experiences with devastating forest fires.

Despite the efforts of local and international forces, the forest fires in Canada and California continue to pose a significant threat, with the smoke from the wildfires affecting climate and air quality as far away as Mexico City and the western United States.

In an effort to combat the wildfires and prevent their spread, the Canadian government has deployed firefighters from British Columbia to Alberta, where the Rocky Mountains and Western Canada are also currently battling blazes.

The Pacific Northwest of the United States, including Washington and Oregon, has also seen an increase in wildfires this year, prompting the relocation of firefighting resources from California to the west coast.

The impact of these wildfires extends beyond just physical destruction, with the economic and environmental consequences causing significant concerns for governments and environmental agencies in both Canada and the United States.

In a bid to mitigate the effects of climate change, various climate models predict that wildfires will become more frequent and severe in the future, calling for urgent action and investments in fire prevention and management strategies.

Finally, the ongoing wildfires have highlighted the importance of international cooperation in responding to and managing natural disasters, with countries like New Zealand and Australia offering their expertise and resources to help in the ongoing relief efforts.

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