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Detached house on fire with garbage - long firefighting operation

For reasons as yet unexplained, a fire breaks out in a detached house. The extinguishing work is difficult - and takes almost a whole day.

In the evening, the fire department was called to a fire in a detached house. (symbolic image)
In the evening, the fire department was called to a fire in a detached house. (symbolic image)

Fire department - Detached house on fire with garbage - long firefighting operation

In Ravensburg, a fire broke out in a single-family house. The unoccupied house in Ravensburg's Südstadt was filled with various junk, which, according to police statements, resulted in an unusually strong smoke development. Therefore, the neighborhood was warned and advised to close doors and windows via police loudspeaker announcements. A corresponding notice was also sent via a warning app.

The narrow building conditions on site and the dense smoke complicated the firefighting efforts, according to the spokesperson. To reach the fire source late on a Monday evening, the fire department opened the roof. The firefighting efforts were still ongoing on the following day. Since the house was so cluttered, numerous hotspots formed, said a fire department spokesperson. The teams therefore cleared out the rooms to prevent new fire sources from forming.

The property owner, who was in the building during the fire outbreak, was taken to a hospital with suspicion of gas intoxication but was able to leave later on his own accord. At the time, around 90 firefighters were on site and two turntable ladders were in use. The cause of the fire and the extent of the damage were not yet known at that time.

The police in Ravensburg issued warnings to nearby residents about the smoke, advising them to secure their homes. The fire department, faced with challenging conditions, had to remove garbage from the house to extinguish hidden flames. Despite the efforts of over 90 firefighters and the use of two turntable ladders, the exact cause of the fire and the extent of the damage in the Ravensburger's detached house remained unknown. Following the incident, the homeowner, who had been suspected of gas intoxication, returned home from the hospital.

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