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Detached house on fire with garbage in Ravensburg

A fire breaks out in a detached house for reasons as yet unexplained. The extinguishing work proves difficult - there is no end in sight until late into the night.

In the evening, the fire department was called to a fire in a detached house (symbolic image).
In the evening, the fire department was called to a fire in a detached house (symbolic image).

Fire department - Detached house on fire with garbage in Ravensburg

In Ravensburg, a fire broke out in a single-family house in the evening. The unoccupied house in Ravensburg's Südstadt was filled with various junk, which, according to police statements, led to an unusually strong smoke development. Therefore, the neighborhood was warned and ordered to close doors and windows via loudspeaker announcements from the police, a fire department spokesperson said in the night. A corresponding warning was also sent via a warning app.

An end to the firefighting efforts was not foreseeable in the late night. The narrow building conditions on site and the dense smoke complicated the firefighting, the spokesperson added. To reach the fire source, the fire department opened the roof, among other things.

The property owner, who was in the building at the time of the fire, was taken to the hospital with suspicion of gas poisoning, but was later able to leave the hospital self-sufficiently. At the scene, around 90 firefighting forces were present and two ladder trucks were in use. The cause of the fire and the extent of the damage were not yet known at that time.

  1. Despite being a Southern city in Baden-Württemberg, Ravensburg was not prepared for the intense smoke development caused by the garage filled with trash in a detached house in the Südstadt area.
  2. The police issued warnings to the neighborhood surrounding the incident, urging residents to close their doors and windows due to the fire in Ravensburg's unoccupied single-family house.
  3. The Fire Department in Ravensburg faced challenges in extinguishing the fire, as the narrow building conditions and dense smoke made accessing the source difficult, requiring the use of a ladder truck.
  4. The owner of the Ravensburger house, who was present during the fire, was treated at the hospital for suspicion of gas poisoning but managed to leave the hospital later self-sufficiently.
  5. The police and Fire Department in Ravensburg continue their collaboration, with ongoing investigations to determine the cause of the fire and the extent of the damage to the detached house in Südstadt.

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