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Detached house on fire in Ravensburg

A fire breaks out in a detached house for reasons as yet unexplained. The extinguishing work proves difficult - there is no end in sight until late at night.

In the evening, the fire department was called to a fire in a detached house (symbolic image).
In the evening, the fire department was called to a fire in a detached house (symbolic image).

Fire department - Detached house on fire in Ravensburg

In Ravensburg, a fire broke out in a single-family house in the late evening. Due to the strong smoke development, the neighborhood was warned and ordered to close doors and windows via loudspeaker announcements by the police, said a fire department spokesperson. A corresponding warning was also sent out via a warning app.

The end of the firefighting efforts was not foreseeable into the late night. The narrow building conditions on site and the dense smoke complicated the firefighting efforts, according to the spokesperson. In order to reach the fire source, the fire department opened the roof among other things.

The resident of the house was evacuated to a hospital as a precaution but was later able to leave on their own. At the scene, there were 80 firefighting forces and two aerial platforms in operation. The cause of the fire and the extent of the damage were not yet known at that time.

The Fire Department from Baden-Württemberg was called to address the fire situation in Ravensburg. The smoke development from the burning detached house was severe, necessitating warnings and orders for neighbors to close doors and windows by the local police. Despite the challenges posed by the narrow building conditions and dense smoke, the Fire Department continued their extinguishing work, even resorting to opening the roof to reach the fire source.

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