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Despite the absence of a ceasefire in Sudan, humanitarian aid continues to be provided.

In Switzerland, the discussions primarily revolved around brokering a temporary truce in Sudan's power dispute, aimed at enhancing humanitarian assistance delivery. The outcome, unfortunately, has been minimal.

Witnesses are powerlessly observing as the military and militant groups assault their residential...
Witnesses are powerlessly observing as the military and militant groups assault their residential neighborhoods. (Archive Photo)

- Despite the absence of a ceasefire in Sudan, humanitarian aid continues to be provided.

The USA's attempts to stop the conflict in Sudan, occurring in Switzerland, haven't yielded desirable ceasefire results. However, humanitarian aid assistance for the struggling population has seen some enhancement. Wishing for further ceasefire advancements, acknowledged Tom Perriello, the U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan.

The intent was to convince the SAF soldiers and militia groups, such as the RSF, to agree upon a truce. Regrettably, the SAF declined the meeting invitation. In lieu, technical experts primarily delved into discussing potential aid prospects.

The RSF dispatched representatives; nevertheless, the conflict not only persisted, but intensified in areas like El Fasher, North Darfur, resulting in over 100 civilian casualties, as reported by Perriello on X.

Sanguinary power struggle

In resource-rich Sudan, since April 2023, government troops and militias have been embroiled in a lethal power tussle. Over ten million people have been displaced, according to the World Food Programme (WFP). Up to 25 million individuals, over half of the nation's population, are on the brink of starvation.

Furthermore, cholera outbreaks have emerged, as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO). This life-threatening diarrheal disease is caused by bacteria spread through contaminated water and poor sanitation conditions.

Border crossing to Chad facilitated

Perriello cited the establishment of a border crossing to Chad as one of the trial's outcomes. Subsequently, as per the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), 15 trucks of humanitarian aid and seeds entered the country via Adre, Chad. He anticipates many more trucks, as per his statement. Agreements for the expansion of humanitarian aid delivery through at least two additional routes exist: Port Sudan and Sennar, located south of the country.

Both the SAF and the RSF have been accused of grave human rights infractions, including sexual abuse. At least, the militias affiliated with the RSF have consented to a conduct code featuring minimum standards that all soldiers should adhere to, expressed Perriello.

Despite the establishment of a border crossing to Chad for humanitarian aid, the situation in Sudan remains dire. The conflict has led to a significant increase in Hunger among the population. Over 25 million individuals, over half of the nation's population, are teetering on the brink of starvation, as reported by various organizations.

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