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Design for European space freighter planned for 2024

The European Space Agency Esa is planning to build its own space freighter by 2028, and the first designs are now expected to be ready quickly. Astronaut Alexander Gerst is enthusiastic about the project.

Esa astronaut Alexander Gerst praises the idea of a European space
Esa astronaut Alexander Gerst praises the idea of a European space

Design for European space freighter planned for 2024

The industry is to present designs for a European space freighter planned for 2028 by the beginning of next year. "I plan to sign the contracts with the companies in the spring," Josef Aschbacher, Director General of the European Space Agency Esa, told the German Press Agency in Berlin.

There should be a call for tenders before Christmas in which Esa presents its detailed requirements for the space freighter. "But then we will leave it up to the industry to propose it in the way they think is best," said Aschbacher. It should be seen as a kind of call for a competition. "Then we'll see who applies. I assume that we will receive numerous proposals, from which - depending on the quality - we will perhaps select two to three companies." The first contracts with the companies are to be signed in the spring so that they can start developing the freighter. "It will only be European companies," the Austrian stated.

However, a final funding decision will not be made until 2025, when the Esa Council of Ministers in Germany votes on the next three-year budget. For companies, participation is therefore associated with the risk that the project will ultimately come to nothing.

Aschbacher emphasized the relevance of the project to develop a European space freighter by 2028 if possible: "We want to be a strong partner. And a strong partner is one that has something to offer, i.e. one that develops technology that can also be incorporated into other, larger programs." Greater European autonomy in space technology would also promote the region's industry.

Gerst praises the idea

German Esa astronaut Alexander Gerst praised the idea: "Europe has really acted very cleverly here," he told dpa. After all, it is not yet clear what will happen after the end of operations for the ISS space station, probably in 2030. "The best way to position yourself for this is to develop an element that every player will definitely need - and that is transportation," he said. "Developing this now is very clever, because otherwise others will have a head start."

It is also important that the space freighter is designed in such a way that it can also be expanded to transport people in the future. "That is a very important perspective," said Gerst. "It's good to see that the Esa member states have positioned themselves in this way and are well positioned for the future."

  1. The space industry is currently working on designing a European space freighter, with a proposed launch date in 2028, which aligns with the ESA's plans.
  2. Josef Aschbacher, the Director General of ESA, mentioned that potential contracts for the development of the freighter will be signed with European companies in the spring of the following year.
  3. Alexander Gerst, a German ESA astronaut, commended the idea of creating a European space freighter, noting its potential role in ensuring a strong presence in space technology and transportation solutions.
  4. Gerst further emphasized that the design of the space freighter should include the possibility of future human transportation, positioning Europe as a future-ready player in the space industry.


