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Demonstrators impede Björn Höcke's performance in Jena

The atmosphere is tense prior to the election in Thuringia. In Jena, protesters are resisting an AfD gathering through sit-ins.

- Demonstrators impede Björn Höcke's performance in Jena

Approximately 2000 individuals staged a protest against the AfD in Jena, successfully halting a speech by the party's state chairman, Björn Höcke, based on preliminary police estimates. Law enforcement employed pepper spray and batons to dissipate seated protests, as reported by a police representative.

Organizers reported casualties. "Damages were inflicted due to police actions such as the application of pepper spray and batons, as well as direct facial blows," asserted the coalition "Halt the Rightward Shift." Initially, the police were unaware of any injuries.

Höcke's presentation was abruptly terminated due to the large crowd and chaotic situation, according to the police. As of now, there have been twelve criminal violations and one administrative infraction recorded, with no apprehensions made. Additional criminal charges in relation to the demonstration will be assessed during the subsequent investigation, the police spokesperson indicated.

Initially, Höcke was slated to participate in a citizens' dialogue at a community center. Due to safety concerns, Höcke's appearance was called off, the police spokesperson stated. Höcke did not attend the event, resulting in the subsequent conclusion of the AfD event. The counter-protests were registered with the police, but fewer individuals were initially anticipated.

In Thuringia, a new state parliament will be elected on September 1. The AfD currently holds around 30 percent of the polls and has the potential to emerge as the most powerful force. The Thuringia Office for the Protection of the Constitution categorizes the AfD in Thuringia as firmly right-wing extremist.

The protest against the AfD in Jena aimed to disrupt Höcke's election campaign speech. Despite the election in Thuringia being just a month away, the AfD's controversial actions and rhetoric continue to draw substantial opposition.

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