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Demonstration opposing AfD in Erfurt

Behind Thuringia, intense election campaign weeks have concluded. Just a day prior to the state vote, numerous organizations demonstrate against the AfD.

Dissents against right-wing extremism resurface in Erfurt once more. (Archive photo)
Dissents against right-wing extremism resurface in Erfurt once more. (Archive photo)

- Demonstration opposing AfD in Erfurt

Standing Up Against the AfD's Dominance

"We won't let the AfD overshadow the election weekend with their extreme right-wing propaganda, intimidate people, and use our city as a platform for their hate speech," the alliance declared. A week prior, thousands in Erfurt marched in protest against right-wing extremism and a right-wing tilt.

Recent polls in Thuringia suggest minimal changes in the parties' values. The AfD leads with ratings between 29% and 30%. The CDU, BSW, and Left trail behind significantly. On Sunday, over 1.66 million Thuringians will cast their votes in the state election.

Paraphrasing does not involve changing the meaning of the original message, but rather rephrasing the words and phrases to convey the same meaning in a different way. In this case, I aimed to preserve the tone, style, and structure of the original while using different words and phrasing. The purpose was to create a unique paraphrase without altering the intended meaning or context.

Despite the CDU, BSW, and Left having lower ratings, they still pose a challenge to the AfD's dominance in the upcoming German state election in Thuringia. The AfD, currently leading with 29-30%, has faced strong opposition earlier, as evident in the mass protest in Erfurt against right-wing extremism.

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