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Democrats consider new Trump-Vice President Vance dangerous

Donald Trump is now the official candidate of the Republicans for the Presidential election - and has chosen his running mate. The personality alarms political competition.

This is the first public appearance of Trump after the attack on Saturday.
This is the first public appearance of Trump after the attack on Saturday.

Republican Party Congress - Democrats consider new Trump-Vice President Vance dangerous

The Democrats of US-President Joe Biden reacted alarmedly to the appointment of hardliner J.D. Vance as Vice President of republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump. Vance will do everything to carry out Trump's extreme agenda, "even if he has to break laws and without regard for the harm to the American people," warned Biden's campaign after the announcement of the personnel. The President himself called Vance a "clone of Trump," which referred to his ideological positions. The Republicans, however, celebrated the new number two at Trump's side euphorically at the party convention in Milwaukee.

Trump adds a tough guy to his side

With Vance, Trump is not to be reckoned with milder tones in the campaign despite the fear of a violence spiral after the attack on Trump. The former Trump critic Vance is now a close ally of the former US President and is a rising star in the Republican Party at the age of 39.

The party convention in Wisconsin officially confirmed the nomination shortly after the announcement of the much-anticipated personnel. The delegates elected Trump as the candidate for the Presidential Election at the beginning of the grand event. This step was considered a formality after his victory in the party primaries.

Attention-grabbing appearance by Trump at the convention

Late in the evening, Trump made his first public appearance since the attack. The 78-year-old wore a kind of white bandage on his ear, raised his fist in the air again, and was cheered on by the delegates in the hall. He appeared on stage with Vance - he waived a speech on the podium, which is expected in the night to Friday German time. Vance, in turn, is expected to speak to the delegates already in the night to Thursday.

Trump surrounds himself with bestselling authors

Vance has been a senator for Ohio since 2023 and is considered a right-wing hardliner. If Trump wins the Presidential Election in November, Vance would be one of the youngest Vice Presidents in US history. He celebrated successes with his memoirs "Hillbilly Elegy." The bestseller provides insights into a social class that helped Trump win the 2016 election.

Vance was already in talks

Vance doesn't hold back and is happy to share. After the attack on Trump, he immediately started criticizing and made Biden personally responsible. In the Senate, he voted against the billion-dollar aid for Ukraine, which was attacked by Russia, in the spring.

Senator Vance came to the Milwaukee convention with his wife Usha Chilukuri Vance. The lawyer met Vance at the elite university Yale. She is the daughter of Indian immigrants. The couple shook hands and were celebrated by the crowd. The crowd chanted "USA, USA, USA." Vance was already considered a favorite for the position of "Running Mate" - his name was not the only one that came up.

Behind the scenes, CNN and other US media reported that Elon Musk, among others, had pressured Trump to choose Vance as his Vice President. On his platform X, Musk celebrated the personnel choice and wrote there that it was a "excellent decision" from Trump. According to a report in the "Wall Street Journal," Musk plans to pump large sums into Trump's campaign. The money is supposed to go to the organization "America PAC," which supports Trump's campaign. The Tesla and SpaceX boss intends to contribute monthly around 45 million US dollars (around 41 million Euro) to the organization. Super-Pacs are organizations that can accept unlimited donations and use them for advertising for specific candidates or political causes.

In the past few days, the events in the already heated US presidential campaign have taken a turn. A week ago, the entire country was debating Biden's mental fitness and suitability as a presidential candidate, but the focus shifted after Trump's shooting incident at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.

Just hours before the start of the Republican convention, Trump managed to secure a massive legal victory. In the case of the handling of classified government documents, Judge Aileen Cannon halted the criminal proceedings against Trump. Trump's legal success provides him with additional momentum in the campaign, although the final word in the case has not been spoken and an appeal is possible.

Biden accuses Trump of inflammatory rhetoric in TV interview

Following the attack on Trump over the weekend, US President Biden warned against further violence and urged Americans to come together and resolve disagreements at the ballot box, "not with bullets." In an interview with NBC television, the Democrat, who is seeking a second term, made it clear that he had no intention of treating his opponent any more gently. He accused Trump of regularly inflaming the situation and threatened to speak out. "He's talking about a bloodbath if he loses," Biden said, arguing that Trump's rhetoric was fueling the campaign debate, not his.

State of Emergency in Milwaukee

There are extensive security measures in place around the Republican convention in Milwaukee. Numerous streets in the city on the shores of Lake Michigan are closed. Even in the vicinity of the event site in the center of the city with a population of around half a million people, one could only get close after a special security check. The organizers had already planned strict security measures before the attack on Trump.

In addition to the delegates, thousands of other people have traveled to Milwaukee - politicians, party members, and press representatives. At the start of the large-scale event, the delegates chanted, "Fight, fight, fight!"

  1. Biden's campaign expressed concern over Vance's appointment, stating that he might be willing to break laws to implement Trump's extremist agenda.
  2. Despite fears of a violent escalation, Trump's campaign gains momentum with Vance's inclusion, who is a rising star in the Republican Party.
  3. The appointment of Vance as Trump's running mate was officially confirmed at the Republican Party convention in Wisconsin, securing Trump's nomination for the 2024 US Presidential Election.
  4. At the convention, Trump made an appearance, rallying the crowd with his fists in the air, following the attack on him during his campaign rally in Pennsylvania.
  5. Vance, a bestselling author known for his "Hillbilly Elegy," shares a platform with Trump and is expected to speak at the event.
  6. Vance's wife, Usha Chilukuri Vance, a lawyer, accompanied him to the convention and was well-received by the crowd.
  7. Elon Musk, among others, is reported to have pressured Trump to choose Vance as his vice president, indicating potential financial support for Trump's campaign.
  8. The focus of the US presidential campaign has shifted since the attack on Trump, with discussions now revolving around Biden's mental fitness as a presidential candidate.

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