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Democratic leader Tim "Dad" Walz demonstrates his exceptional abilities to his fellow party members

Democratic leader Tim "Dad" Walz demonstrates his exceptional abilities to his fellow party members

For approximately two weeks now, Tim Walz has been Kamala Harris' running mate. He's known as the obstinate prosecutor, while she's the charming fellow from the rural Midwest. At the convention, he did what he's recognized for among younger voters: he delivered his message honestly and directly.

The crowd roared, "Coach, Coach, Coach!" as Vice Presidential nominee Tim Walz, the American football coach and educator, addressed the delegates of the US Democrats. He'd never had such a big stage before, but he knew a thing or two about inspiring speeches. Walz, presently the governor of Minnesota, was there to support Harris, the Democratic heavyweight hailing from California.

"It's the final quarter," he described the political landscape against the Republicans: "We're trailing by a single point. But we're on offense and we've got the ball. We're advancing down the field. And let me tell you, we've got the ideal team. Kamala Harris is tenacious. Kamala Harris is experienced. And Kamala Harris is ready. Our task is to block and tackle. Inch by inch. Yard by yard. Phone call by phone call."

The 60-year-old Walz was raised in the rural Midwest, where every vote could tip the scales for the White House. Before he was a congressman, he was a high school teacher in his forties with young children, defying the odds in a deeply Republican district. "Don't underestimate a public school teacher," he told the crowd, waving the "Coach Walz" signs they'd been given.

"We're all in this together"

Certain US media outlets have framed this election as a contest of masculinity. Is Walz the humble and honest father figure, an ex-soldier, teacher, and American football coach, as opposed to his Republican counterpart, J.D. Vance, the feverish embodiment of toxic masculinity, translating his religious values into extreme demands? It's not that cut and dry, but: Walz taps into comforting family man stereotypes that appeal to a race against Donald Trump. "Growing up in a small town teaches you to look out for one another," Walz says about his notion of unity. "The family next door may not share your views, your faith, your loves, but they're your neighbors. We're all in this together." When Walz expresses his affection for his family, his son Gus stands up, tears welling in his eyes, overcome with emotion; until his mother and sister usher him back to his seat.

In the past two weeks, Walz has become a blank canvas for projections. He labels the Republicans "odd," sparking a trend. He presents himself as the antithesis: a down-to-earth family man, radiating genuine sincerity. He talks about community and unity, while the Republicans talk about division and "the others," as if they're unreachable. Walz connects with younger generations. After all, he's spent half his life teaching and parenting them. The Democrats are trying to capitalize on this as Walz's unique selling point, carrying Harris and him to the White House.

Young Voters Crave Authenticity

Earlier in the day, at an event about how political candidates can connect with voters aged 18 to 27, the focus was on what truly drives this crucial age group for the Democrats. "We don't have data on this yet because it's still early," one of the presenters said about Walz, "but when this guy from Minnesota casually talks in interviews about what his 23-year-old daughter says, it sparks interest." Walz also signed some laws as the governor of the state that resonated with this age group, which is why young voters are talking about him.

Walz is a valuable asset for the Democrats because he resonates more with young voters than Vance and is not yet deeply entrenched in party factions. Biden likely wouldn't have won the presidency in 2020 without the broad support of this voter group. Harris and Walz must repeat this, or their chances of defeating Trump will dwindle rapidly. Scare tactics don't work on Generation Z, the presenters reported; they want authenticity, a vision for the future, and to feel like they belong. Communication is key among Generation Z. Early polls show that Walz is seen as more authentic than Vance and overall more positively.

This was also evident on social media. After Harris picked Walz, there were countless posts about fictional "Dad" situations. "Tim Walz slips you $20 into your back pocket because he's worried you don't have enough gas money to get home," one read; another said, "Tim Walz honks at you at the red light, signals for you to roll down your window, and tells you your right rear tire could use some air." Gaming website IGN also found that Walz could become the first "Gamer Vice President": he was reportedly a devoted user of the Sega Dreamcast and once played so much that his wife took away the console.

So Far, It's Working

As the freshly announced vice-presidential aspirant, Walz, journeyed through contentious states alongside Harris, he dished out a conventional Midwestern dish on X. His turkey meal drew over 1.5 million views and was prepared numerous times. A user's assessment: "Allow him to cook!" Such incidents fuel his chatter. Or when Walz was featured on the convention stage: his kids sneaked bunny ears behind his back during the interview. Walz himself uploaded the clip. While there's a tinge of spin, it definitely works. Walz now enjoys a favorable image among Democrats as the affable dad with a generous spirit, backing Harris in her campaign to ward off figures like Donald Trump, who could potentially spoil his kids' and others' futures.

Meanwhile, Walz and his Republican opponent, Vance, are both trying to garner votes in the Midwest for their respective candidates. Walz presents his hometown as a blend of family values, diligence, and sociability, marked by small towns and agriculture. Contrarily, Vance focuses on the area that saw Trump triumph in 2016: the Rust Belt, marked by declining industrial cities yearning for recognition. Who will secure the victory in November? That remains to be seen.

"Despite the media's focus on masculinity in this election, Walz prefers to present himself as a down-to-earth family man, believing that everyone in a small town should look out for each other, stating, 'We're all in this together.'"

"Recognizing the importance of authenticity and unity to young voters, Tim Walz shares personal stories about his family and interactions with his children, proving to be a valuable asset for the Democratic party by connecting with this crucial age group."

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