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Delicate situation with thunderstorm risk

First heat, then cold front

After heat comes happily lightning and thunder.
After heat comes happily lightning and thunder.

Delicate situation with thunderstorm risk

Fredrick brings beautiful and summery weather to Germany, but with the high temperatures, thunderstorm risk increases - sometimes even leading to heavy rains.

This summer is frustrating for sun lovers and heat fans: Whenever a high pressure system has found some space over Germany, the next Atlantic low pressure system heats up in no time and ends the summer joy. And that's what's happening now. Once again, the whole thing has storm potential.

Friday: Hot and humid with occasional thunderstorms

Finally, summer is here, as many have wished for: Sun and temperatures of 30 degrees or more, swimsuit weather during the day, and beer garden weather in the evening. Friday even adds to that. Across the country, there is plenty of sunshine, and even in the north, where some rain clouds have disturbed things so far, it is mostly sunny.

The beautiful weather is due to High Frederic, under whose rule the air can heat up to 30 degrees in many places. The highest temperatures should be measured at the High and Upper Rhine, with 33 degrees. It's getting hotter and hotter, even in the north, where a 25-degree summer day is tempting, and it's only cooler in the sea breeze, with temperatures between 21 and 24 degrees. But beach chairs were invented for that reason. Thunderstorms are most likely to develop at the Alpine foothills.

Saturday: Hotter, more humid, thunderstorm risk increases

It's getting hotter - it sounds like there's more to come. That's right. Although Saturday looks like another hot summer day at first, there's something going on in the atmosphere. With a lot of sunshine, temperatures climb to 24 to 34 degrees. It's particularly muggy in the west. That's exhausting. Thunderstorms over the mountains, which can also be quite heavy, offer no relief.

Late in the afternoon, and more likely in the evening and especially at night on Sunday, a storm front will move in at the border with Benelux and France, bringing large-scale heavy rain. The exact timing of when it will get turbulent is still unclear.

Sunday night and Sunday: Storm potential increases

These storms come at night and on Sunday with the passage of a cold front. How fast and far they will move is still not clear. With the storms comes the risk of heavy rain. Besides strong gusts of wind, heavy rain is the focus, with locally more than 25 liters per square meter in a short time. The possible consequences are known: flooded streets, flooded basements, flying garden furniture.

In the east, it has been sunny for longer and up to 33 degrees hot. In the west, the low pressure system has done a lot of work and cooled the air by around 10 degrees to values just above 20 degrees.

Next week: no storms in sight

After the weekend, it will also get cooler in the east. The weather will be friendly at times, but showers and thunderstorms will occur, but the storm dangers are subdued for now.

The International Meteorological Organization has expressed concern over the increasing frequency of extreme weather events globally, and Germany's current weather pattern falls under this category. Despite the delightful summer weather brought by High Frederic, the high temperatures and humidity increase the risk of severe thunderstorms and heavy rains.

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