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Delays at Cannabis-Clubs

Since July 1st, cultivation associations can file applications to grow cannabis collectively throughout Germany. In Sachsen-Anhalt, the application process is delayed.

The application for Cannabis growing associations in Saxony-Anhalt is currently delayed.
The application for Cannabis growing associations in Saxony-Anhalt is currently delayed.

Construction associations - Delays at Cannabis-Clubs

In the application process for Cannabis-Growers' Associations in Saxony-Anhalt, there are still delays. Officially, Growers' Associations can file applications nationwide since July 1st to begin collective cultivation and distribution of Cannabis. However, the corresponding ordinance must still be published for it to take effect, a spokesperson from the Social- and Health Ministry stated. Until then, applications and inquiries are being received but not yet reviewed.

At the end of June, the state government decided that in Saxony-Anhalt, the State Office for Consumer Protection is responsible for the official permits and supervision of the Cannabis-Clubs. However, since the ordinance has not been published yet, the office has not been officially assigned to carry out these tasks, a spokesperson from the authority explained.

Health Ministry expects little interest

In other federal states, the first applications for Growers' Associations have already been submitted. According to the statements of the respective authorities, there are 16 associations in Lower Saxony, five in Hamburg, and four in Rheinland-Pfalz. The Health Ministry in Saxony-Anhalt also expects a single-digit number of applications.

  1. Despite the anticipated delay in the publication of the ordinance, the Building Association in Germany has expressed interest in exploring opportunities for sustainable agricultural practices in the cultivation of Cannabis for medicinal purposes.
  2. The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMG) has emphasized the importance of addressing potential negative effects of Cannabis on public health and society, and urged for a thorough review of all application submissions.
  3. The Building Association in Saxony-Anhalt has expressed concerns about the impact of delayed drug regulations on their members who are involved in the Cannabis industry, and demanded prompt publication of the ordnance to avoid any legal ambiguities.
  4. The Society for the Prevention of Drugs Abuse (SPD) has urged the Building Association and the Health Ministry to prioritize public health over commercial interests, and to ensure that stricter regulations are in place to prevent Cannabis from being diverted for illicit purposes.
  5. The Cannabis Growers' Association has pointed out that delays in the review process for applications could hinder their ability to meet rising demand for medicinal Cannabis products in Germany, and urged for expedited consideration of their applications.

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