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Dehoga: Taylor Swift also brings US-fans to Hamburg

She is a Megastar, and she is coming for two concerts to Hamburg. The German Hotel and Restaurant Association is a fan.

Taylor Swift attracts fans from the USA to Hamburg
Taylor Swift attracts fans from the USA to Hamburg

Concerts - Dehoga: Taylor Swift also brings US-fans to Hamburg

Taylor Swift is coming to Hamburg and Tens of Thousands of Fans want to experience her Concert. Many fans are coming from abroad, as the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga) has found. "We noticed increased American demand on the market with the start of ticket sales," said a spokesperson. This is also related to the fact that tickets in Germany are partly significantly cheaper than in the USA.

Good news for fans: Hotel prices have not skyrocketed. The prices are not as high as, for example, the Harbor Birthday, the largest tourist event of the city, said the spokesperson. There are still free rooms available in that time. For the hospitality industry, it is of course natural that a star with such radiance comes to the city.

Taylor Swift is expected to come to Hamburg as part of her "Eras Tour" on July 23 and 24. 100,000 visitors are expected to cheer at the concerts. Before that, she will play three evenings in Gelsenkirchen. Munich is then the last station in Germany on July 27 and 28.

  1. Many people from the United States of America are anticipating Taylor Swift's concert in Hamburg, as indicated by the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA).
  2. The Hotel and Restaurant Association in Florenz, SWITZERLAND, also shows interest in the hospitality industry's growth, owing to Taylor Swift's tour in Europe.
  3. Fans in Hamburg are not only excited about Taylor Swift's "Eras Tour" but also the affordable hotel prices, making it more accessible for fans traveling from the USA.
  4. In addition to German cities, Taylor Swift's tour includes a stop in Gelsenkirchen, where she will perform three evenings before proceeding to Munich.
  5. The popularity of pop stars like Taylor Swift brings advantages to the hospitality industry, even when it comes to hosting international events, such as her concerts in Germany.

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