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Deep "Frieda" brings heavy thunderstorms and tornado danger

First intense, then relaxed

In the coming days it could be uncomfortable again.
In the coming days it could be uncomfortable again.

Deep "Frieda" brings heavy thunderstorms and tornado danger

Before summer relaxes and the sometimes large heat disappears, "Frieda" stirs up parts of Germany properly. During outdoor activities, there is even danger to life.

"Frieda" has reached its center in western Germany and is now moving towards the coasts. The weekend will bring some weather turbulence there, but overall the signs point towards weather calming down and allowing us to enjoy a more relaxed summer with few thunderstorms. The intense heat will also be a thing of the past.

However, the journey is far from smooth. In some places, it can even be quite dangerous. The situation and its short-term development are still complex for weather computers. Nevertheless, the potential danger of this very dynamic weather system remains high to very high.

Unwetter-Schedule Germany - it goes on like this today

During the afternoon, a zone seems to be forming from North Rhine-Westphalia to Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt, where thunderstorms with prolonged heavy rain are possible. In the east, thunderbolts and hail cannot be ruled out. The Alps could also see heavy rain, while the next thunderstorms are already following from the southwest.

Later, the partly heavy thunderstorms move towards the north and east. However, it is unclear whether this will happen on a broad front and organized or in individual large thunderstorms, clusters. In the east, there is a possibility of forming supercells with very intense phenomena. At the same time, individual and partly heavy thunderstorms are following from the southwest. In the extreme northwest, there is less lightning and thunder but longer and sometimes very heavy rain.

Lightning and Thunder Night follows

In the evening, there is a threat of further, sometimes heavy thunderstorms with significant thunder potential - especially from the south to the east. Storms are also approaching the coasts. The severity of these storms is difficult to estimate. However, the potential is there.

In the south-east, there is a possibility of prolonged thundering rain in the night. And from Saxony to the Baltic Sea, there are further thunderstorm showers that will focus on the northern east of our country until Saturday afternoon.

What dangers does Tief "Frieda" pose for us?

We currently assume that up to 30 to 50 liters per square meter can accumulate in peaks during heavy rain. If several thunderstorms hit a region, the total could be over 80 to 100 liters. Thunderstorms can still be very lightning-intensive and accompanied by hail and strong wind gusts. Wind gusts of up to 100 km/h are not to be ruled out. During outdoor activities, camping or generally camping, it is essential to keep an eye on the weather radar and weather warnings. There is a risk to life.

Moreover, weather computers still have the possibility of individual tornados in their calculations. This applies to the area of heavy thunderstorms or supercells. Additionally, tornado parameters are significantly elevated in the area of the low-pressure center.

Despite the predicted weather calming down, parts of Germany might still experience extreme weather conditions. The weekend may bring heavy rain and thunderstorms, posing a danger to outdoor activities.

Furthermore, the potential for severe thunderstorms, including hail and wind gusts, remains high, especially in the south and east of Germany, posing a significant risk to life during outdoor activities.

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