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Decreased hospitalizations in Germany due to drug overdose

Mostly, individuals below the age of 40 are concerned.

Fewer people in Germany in hospital after drug abuse
Fewer people in Germany in hospital after drug abuse

Decreased hospitalizations in Germany due to drug overdose

In 2022, fewer hospital visits were reported due to the misuse of illicit substances, such as Heroin, Cocaine, or LSD. The Federal Statistical Office recorded approximately 17,200 cases, a decrease of 17% from the record high of nearly 20,800 cases in 2016.

Since then, the number of cases has been on a steady decline, but it's still way beyond the numbers from the start of the 21st century. In 2002, only 9,500 individuals required hospital treatment due to drug misuse, which is an 81% decrease compared to 2022.

Males accounted for 66% of the patients in 2022, while females made up around 34%. More than half (55%) of the treated individuals were between 18 and 39, and 8% were minors.

It's important to note that hospital treatments resulting from Cannabis, Tobacco, or Alcohol consumption are not considered in these statistics. The publication of these figures coincides with the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on June 26th this year.

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