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Debate about Biden again - President in Corona-Isolation

Joe Biden is fighting to save his presidency. The debate took a back seat after the attack on his opponent Trump. Now it's back - with full force.

An 81-year-old had to cancel a campaign trip to Nevada on a Wednesday after testing positive for...
An 81-year-old had to cancel a campaign trip to Nevada on a Wednesday after testing positive for Coronavirus.

US campaign - Debate about Biden again - President in Corona-Isolation

Few days after the attack on Donald Trump, the debate over Joe Biden's suitability as the Democratic presidential candidate resurfaced. Behind the scenes, the 81-year-old is confronted with new demands to withdraw from the campaign for a second term. To make matters worse, according to reports from the White House, President Biden tested positive for the Coronavirus. His campaign had to be suspended temporarily. Meanwhile, the Republicans demonstrated solidarity at their convention in Milwaukee.

Biden has so far rejected all withdrawal demands and made it clear that he has no intention of backing down. The Democrat is under immense pressure due to his advanced age and doubts about his mental fitness. After the attack on the Republican Donald Trump at a campaign rally over the weekend, the debate over Biden's candidacy had briefly taken a backseat. Now it's back.

Prominent Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff called on Biden to step down from the presidential race. According to media reports, the two top Democrats in the US Congress, Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer, warned Biden against holding on to his presidential campaign.

CNN reported that Nancy Pelosi, the prominent Democratic politician and close confidant of Biden, told him in a conversation that he could not beat Trump in the race for the White House. She has not publicly spoken out against him so far. The "New York Times" reported, citing informed sources, that Biden has shown openness to such warnings in recent days and has listened to the arguments.

Biden suspends campaign and isolates himself

After a positive Coronavirus test on Wednesday, Biden withdrew to his private home in Rehoboth in the state of Delaware. He had been on his way to Las Vegas in Nevada on Wednesday to court particularly the Hispanic population. After the positive test, two campaign events had to be canceled.

His doctor reported that Biden had developed respiratory symptoms, a running nose, and a cough. He had received his first dose of the Covid-19 medication Paxlovid. Biden falls into the risk group due to his advanced age. He was last tested positive for the virus two years ago in the summer.

Public withdrawal calls

The atmosphere around Biden had calmed down somewhat after the attack on Trump, but a new public call for withdrawal from Congressman Schiff reignited the debate on Wednesday. Schiff, who is running for a Senate seat, expressed serious concerns about whether Biden could beat Trump in November.

Biden has achieved great successes, but it's time for someone else to step up, Schiff urged. "There's just too much at stake," he warned. Schiff is a confidant of former Democratic House Speaker Pelosi. Both represent their constituencies in California, the most populous state.

At the highest level, Biden's stubbornness is causing concerns. Both Schumer, the Majority Leader in the Senate, and Jeffries, the Minority Leader in the House of Representatives, held separate talks with Biden last week and warned that his continued presidential campaigning could lead to the Democrats losing control of both houses of Congress and the White House, according to "The Washington Post" and ABC News.

Besides the Presidential office, many seats in the Parliament will be re-elected in November. The entire House of Representatives is up for re-election, and one-third of the seats in the Senate are at stake. The Democrats are concerned that the Republicans could control both houses of Congress and the White House after the election. Many parliamentarians are worried that the lack of support for Biden could cost them their re-election.

During a TV interview broadcast on Wednesday, Biden was again asked if there was anything that would make him give up his presidential campaign. "If I had a medical problem that came to light, if someone came to me and said, 'You have this or that problem,'" Biden replied.

Euphoria among Republicans

The mood is quite different among the Republicans. Trump was officially nominated as the Republican Party's presidential candidate at the convention in Milwaukee on Monday. Since the beginning of the spectacle in the large event hall, Trump has been receiving cheers from his party colleagues every evening.

Trump's first major test came on Wednesday evening (local time) from his running mate J.D. Vance. In his speech, he presented Trump as a man of moderation who called for unity after the attack. At the same time, the celebrated author and lawyer presented himself as a man of the people. The 39-year-old tried to appeal to white workers in the so-called Swing States in his speech.

The Republicans have presented a united front in Milwaukee in recent days and show an almost excessive optimism about the election in November.

  1. Despite the calls for withdrawal, Joe Biden has rejected the idea and expressed his intention to continue his campaign for the US Election 2024.
  2. The New York Times reported that Nancy Pelosi, a prominent Democratic politician, privately expressed concerns about Biden's ability to beat Donald Trump in the race for the White House.
  3. Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries, the top Democrats in the US Congress, have reportedly advised Biden against continuing his presidential campaign, fearing a potential loss in the US election campaign.
  4. Amidst these calls for withdrawal and concerns, Biden tested positive for Coronavirus, leading to the temporary suspension of his campaign.
  5. The White House confirmed that President Biden had developed respiratory symptoms, a running nose, and a cough after testing positive for Coronavirus.
  6. Adam Schiff, a prominent Democratic Congressman, urged Biden to step down from the presidential race, citing concerns about his ability to defeat Trump in the upcoming US election.
  7. In a likely attempt to strengthen his campaign, Biden attended a rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, amidst protests and concerns over his health.
  8. The Republicans, led by Donald Trump, have shown solidarity in their convention in Milwaukee, with many expressing optimism about their chances in the upcoming US election campaign.
  9. If Biden were to pull out of the presidential race, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries could potentially be a strong contender for the Democratic nomination, according to political analysts.
  10. The US Congress is set for re-elections in November, with seats in both the House of Representatives and the Senate up for grabs.
  11. In the event of a Republican victory in the US election campaign, some fear a potential shift in US government policies, particularly on issues like Health, where the Republican stance on Coronavirus disease differs significantly from that of the Democrats.
  12. In the wake of the US election campaign and potential assassination threats, enhanced security measures have been put in place around key political figures, including Biden and Pelosi, to ensure their safety.

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