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Death of Nahel in France: police officer released from custody

The case sparked nationwide unrest and protests. The 17-year-old Nahel was killed by a police officer's shot during a traffic stop. The officer has been released on conditional release.

A graffiti with the inscription "Justice for Nahel" in
A graffiti with the inscription "Justice for Nahel" in

Death of Nahel in France: police officer released from custody

More than four months after the death of 17-year-old Nahel in France in a police shooting, the shooter has been released on bond. However, the police officer is not allowed to carry a weapon and is not allowed to go to Nanterre. Nanterre is the Paris suburb where Nahel was killed.

According to the local public prosecutor's office, the man is also not allowed to contact witnesses or co-plaintiffs.

Nahel was killed by the police officer's shot during a traffic stop at the end of June. This was followed by serious riots and protests against police violence that rocked France for nights on end. There were repeated instances of looting, arson attacks and violent confrontations with the police.

Among other things, the French government recently called for tougher action against juvenile offenders and their parents. The local police should also be given more powers and young people in disadvantaged suburbs should also be given better support.


