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Dead and injured in attack in Jerusalem

Almost exactly one year ago, a deadly explosive device detonated at a bus stop in Jerusalem. Now people are being killed again in the same place.

Israeli border police secure the site of the
Israeli border police secure the site of the

Dead and injured in attack in Jerusalem

Two Palestinian assailants opened fire on people waiting at a bus stop in Jerusalem on Thursday. Three people were killed, said Magen David Adom, a spokesman for the Israeli emergency services. Other people were injured, some of them seriously.

The two attackers, who came to the scene in a vehicle, were shot dead by soldiers and an armed civilian, according to police reports. They had an assault rifle and a PIstole with them.

The incident reportedly took place at the entrance to the city. According to Israeli media reports, the assassins came from the Arab-dominated eastern part of Jerusalem.

Almost exactly one year ago, a 16-year-old boy was killed and eleven people injured in a bomb attack at the same bus stop. An explosion at another bus stop left another person dead. Later, a resident of East Jerusalem with links to the Islamic State (IS) terror network was arrested in connection with the attacks.

The ongoing tensions in the Middle East once again came to a violent forefront with the Gaza war-affiliated group Hamas claiming responsibility for the Jerusalem bus stop attack. Despite the Israeli authorities attributing the assault to attackers from the Arab-dominated eastern part of Jerusalem, Hamas stated that the conflicts continue to escalate due to the Israeli occupation.




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